Saving Emma using Inception
I've been looking through some of the topics on this board and was hit with an idea. So here we go. The reason Alexander cannot save his beloved Emma is because...anyone? anyone?...because Emma's death is what inspires the professor to build the time machine in the first place. If Emma is saved and lives, she and Alexander live happily ever after with their two toe-headed children; but wait then Alexander never finishes the time machine and never saves Emma. Paradox
Glad we're all on the same page. This is where my idea comes in.
What if, instead of trying to save Emma a thousand times and watching her die in a thousand different ways, Alexander Inceptions himself. He goes back to pre dead Emma time and leaves himself a clue or something that prompts him to need to build that machine independent of Emma's death. Maybe even having the machine finished before Emma even dies. Then he could save her easy as pie! Screw 2030, screw the moon, and screw the morlocks. No fast forward future needed.
Now I know what you're thinking, because I thought it too. He couldn't Inception himself for the same reason he couldn't save Emma, a paradox is created; furthermore I know you're thinking: there's no way Emma gets out of this alive.
But that's where you, my friend, are wrong. We assume Alexander can go back in time and try whatever he wants in the past, the movie depicts that so we will hold that as a truth. If Alexander goes back and correctly Inceptions himself to make the time machine (like I have proposed) then there will be no stopping him from doing so. Just like Leo spinning that top inside the french girls sub-conscious, once that idea takes a hold there would be no killing it. And now that the inspiration to build the machine isn't Emma's death, he is free to save her without creating a paradox.
boom! rant complete. Emma lives!