Just got done reading the book---it's way better than the movie
After having seen the movie, and reading the reviews, I finally decided to actually get the book and read Wells' original story.
The book is not large, it's only about 120 pages in fairly large print.
I really wish the teenage male "reviewers" on this board would put down their smartphones once in awhile, stop texting, and actually crack open a book and read it.
H.G's story simply blows the pathetic plotline of the movie out of the water. I read for 3 hours straight because it was so good I couldn't put it down.
If only Hollywood would once in awhile stop dumbing-down things and treat the movie goer as someone intelligent.
Things in the book that were way better (or simply ignored in the move):
There is no love story involving the time traveler and his girlfriend, or any attempt to "change the past".
There is no stop in the 21st century, and no talking black guy in the library, no "moon explosion". Instead the Traveller goes straight to 802701 and finds a dilapidated green "porcelain palace" that was apparently once a museum. Wells description of the museum and what the Traveller finds in it is vivid and striking.
The Eloi are small and child like, not a robust tribal people as in the movie. There is no Mara, and they do not speak English. Instead after much difficulty the Traveller manages some simple communication with the Eloi, and makes friends with a young female Eloi named Weena.
The Morlocks are also small, pale skinned and with lidless eyes. They are only seen in the shadows and are far scarier and more repulsive than anything in the movie. The part of the book where the Traveller descends into the Morlocks caverns and the horrifying discovery he makes there is unforgettable.
Probably the best part of the book is the next to last chapter, where the Time Traveller goes 30 million years into the future. Wells gives a haunting description of the Traveller standing on a desolate shoreline, with no plants and animals and only a few lichens in sight, while an enormous bloated red sun sits motionless in an almost black sky and a bitter cold wind blowing; realizing the earth is dead.
So please, people---don't pay $15 to get fed some drivel out of Hollywood. Read the book and come away with a far more profound experience that will TRULY entertain and enlighten. And not waste 2hours of your time for nothing.