The best time to turn this movie off is................
When Alexander turns off the machine from his long journey and the meter reads 802,701 and the picture fades to black! I seriously love this movie, but I MUST admit, the entire tone, pace and plot just don't match up to the prior 36 minutes! It literally has an hour to go after he is getting his face wiped by Mara and he is waking up in the further future. The only good thing to keep the rest of the film going is the underrated, but incredible score by Klaus Badelt. Everything prior, such as him in the 1800's and the time travel sequences are just unforgettable but the remaining 2/3 of the movie is! That's just my opinion but I also must say, I am ashamed that Digital Domain handled the time travel sequences and ILM handled the Morlock's running and lighting. I think it should've been reversed because although the CGI is good, it does look a bit dated, especially the white flowers appearing on the greenhouse and the trees and greenery appearing over the time machine before he pulls the lever to turn it off in the further future. The flowers and especially the greenery look blurred! It did look better on the big screen on 35mm but on video, it looks rather dated and phony.