I would actually like to see another version of the story...
There were good things about both films...However, there were some bad things too...
In the original, I did not like that part about how George was unhappy with the time he was born into and built a time machine to go into the future. Pretty lame. (Why doesn't everyone do that?) Also, while the machine looked cool, it did not look like it could really travel into the future. A spinning snow sled at the back?...give me a break.
In the remake, Alexander built a time machine because the love of his life was killed, and was so devastated, that he had to go back in time to save her. Everyone can relate to that, and is probably one of the best reasons to build a machine. The new machine was fantastic, with the spinning glass panels, beams of light, and a temporal bubble around the machine. Perfect.
I think the "Fun" and commentary from George, about Time Travel, as seen in the original film was better, however, I prefered the grandness (Showing Global Time Changes) in the remake. I also liked seeing more of the mega speed transition through time in the remake. The original featured George entombed in lava rock for most of that part of the journey, and felt like a cheat. The music in the remake during his journey was fantastic too...
I did not like the "Stupid" Blonde Eloi in the first film. Showing them more as natives in the remake was better.
Seeing remnants (Stone Signs) of Alexander's time helped us really connect with the fact the the world was destroyed. Showing VOX and the Moon helped too... George just walked about an "alien" landscape, and he could have been anywhere. The remake was better in reminding us about "Going To Far"
It did prefer the ending of the original, where George comes back from the Future. While there was not anything wrong with Alexander destroying his machine to destroy the morlocks...being stuck in an uncertain future, left things unfinished for me.
If a remake could be done to "Merge" the best of the two films, and possibly take it in a new direction at the same time, I would definitely go and see that.