H. G. Wells is spinning in his grave
I'm sorry people of brown races, and this is not meant to degrade your races, but remaking this film (which was perfect the first time) was ridiculous and makes a mockery of what Wells wrote. He made it perfectly clear that the Eloi were fair-skinned, blonde and light-eyed. And those of you who presume me to be a racist? Go scratch your collective a$$es, I am not a racist by any stretch of your imagination and, if you had the privilege of personally knowing me, you would know this to be a fact. But, getting back to this b.s., the very notion that the future of humankind is "all brown" is ludicrous; the unfortunate reality is there will always be white, blonde, light-eyed people that find procreating with black and hispanic people undesirable and have a definite interest in preserving those physical qualities. I don't know where the assumption that black domination is the future of the human race came from but it's ridiculous. Physically and socioeconomically. It's the constant waving of the race card, coupled with the unfortunate yet predominantly true stereotype that black women deliberately have unprotected sex, have babies by multiple absentee "fathers" for a living and think the white people owe them something because of slavery they never experienced and slaves I never owned. I'm tired of it and I'm tired of paying for it. You want racism to stop? Clean up your own affairs and stop perpetuating the all too true stereotype. It exists because it's true. Don't like it? Too bad. It's up to YOU to change it. The white folk are getting sick of it and if you think we're going to keep putting up with your b.s., YOUR anti-White antics, crime and violence, your b.s. race card accusations and that tax-evading, big-mouthed racist Sharpton, you seriously have another think coming. Bottom line: Wells wrote the Eloi as white. This film is racist, blasphemous trash.
Now bring on the racist accusations that I'm sure you're dying to unleash. Please know I have an answer to shut down any non-argument YOU racists will have.