Who'da thunk? Same goes for the Photonic sphere containing all human knowledge. Man, to think it survived countless years of ice ages, earthquakes, tectonic shifting, gravitational sheering and wear and countless other environmentally hazardous elements... is just plain amazing! (Sarcasm).
Come on. 800,000 years into the future NOTHING resembling today's technology or language would exist in even the remotest fashion, advanced or devolved.
First part of the movie was great up to the time traveling sequence. That was an amazing scene. Was downhill after that in terms of credulity.
======================= It's an opinion, not a statement of fact nor a declaration of war on your existence. Relax.
Earth won't exist in 800,000 years? Why not? The dinosaurs lived over 60 MILLION (that's 60,000,000) years ago, and different life forms survived before them. 800,000 years (or 600 million years) is NOTHING on a cosmological scale.
Earth has been here long before our existence. It will be here long after. (I'm not saying humans will die out, just that we'll change beyond what we are today completely before Earth finally gets swallowed by the sun in some 5 billion years).
Not only is their american-english pronunciation pitch perfect, but their vocabulary is well in excess of the few carved words on stones; stones which offer neither pronunciation nor definition.
You are right that the Photonic Sphere would not likely survive 800K years (what power source does that thing use ?!!?!?!) But that's the only real suspension of disbelief you need.
Why? Because if the Photonic Sphere exists and works, then we can buy that Folks would know English.
Well for one, the "photonic Sphere" was originally built in 2030 AD, so I assume that English is pretty much the same as it is now. In fact, save for some slangs and terms, we can perfectly communicate with most persons from the 19th century right now.
English, as known by the Eloi and the UberMorlocks would be based on their interactions with the Photonic Sphere, which as we know, is based on English in the year 2030. As in the film, Elois in the past have stumbled upon the sphere and learned english. The sphere only specifically refers to the one escapee (from the Morlock) who spent his entire life as a 'companion' to the sphere, but that does not preclude that others have come to visit and gone. this is just the one Eloi that stayed as a constant companion. (I just watched it prior to typing this so the scenes are fresh in my mind). I just assumed the Uber Morlocks would glean 21st century based English from their telepathic abilities. Also with telepathic abilities, even if English was lost, they could read Hartdegens' mind and reply in perfect 19th century English.
Dr. Kila Marr was right. Kill the Crystalline Entity.
Actually, in the novel, the hero was unable to communicate with either the Eloi or the Morlocks, except by signs. Nobody spoke English. The Eloi were little more than children and the hero never had a romance with them; he viewed them as pretty much interesting animals.
"Value your education. It's something nobody can ever take away from you." My mom.
From not only a human nature perspective or science fiction perspective it could easily be argued that the computer system had self-preservation programmed into it by its human creator. The computer system, as describes in the human contains all the history of 800,000 years (and more) of human history and technology.
It's very possible the computer system:
a) Gains power from the sun or wind and can store this power.
b) Trains, or informs passing humans on how to repair and manufacture the tools to repair it for the exchange of information. It may even have a program in itself to not divulge dangerous information that may negatively affect the future of the human race.
Assuming the last human with basic knowledge was around a thousand years ago who was trained on how to service the machine it's very possible it could last that long.
If I had the capabilities to program as something as elaborate as that I know for sure I would install some sort of self-preservation in its programming to ensure it would always be finding a solution to remain "alive".
Fact: 31.5% of IMDb users wanted Avatar to win Best Picture. Fact: 31.5% of IMDb users are idiots.
I just assumed it could repair itself, when we finally come up with nanobots or whatnot what would be the point of hiring maintenance people when a bunch of these little critters can repair whatever they live on and even each other.
Geothermal energy could power something for as long as there was a planet and miniature bots could continuously repair something for as long as they were powered, it's far more likely in my opinion that the photonic dude would have gone potty from being alone long before he ever broke down or ran out of juju.