Huge Goof!!

Brad Pitt was a bad choice to put in as
Tom Bishop age-wise!!! The kid was only
12 years old in 1975, when he was
supposedly a sergeant in Viet Nam!!!
No way could he have ever been in VN in
1975, much less a 'sergeant!'
Michael Paul Chan would have been a
better choice, age-wise especially!!!!:)
I think that is hilarious!!


The narrative of the story takes place in 1991. The Viet Nam scenes were 1975 so if we imagine the character to have been 18 in 1975, he'd be 34 in '91.

Very very few movies take place 10 years in the past for that very reason: it's never obvious until something in the plot doesn't seem to fit.

And especially watching it as a 10-year old film now, it still feels like present-day ... until the Nam flashback.


This is a contemporary period piece taking place in 1991 with scenes dating back to the 70s. I'm guessing they chose Pitt because he has the acting skills to pull off the demands of the role. And I don't recall his age being mentioned. And they can show age on a person and that may have not been necessary with this movie.




Well, mostly, yeah. Hollywood is already trying to look as young as possible, so making people look even younger, what new bag of tricks are you going to employ that you haven't already done? Sitcoms do it with weird hairstyles and clothing, but here, you're dealing with the field, where you can't exactly sport bell bottoms and nehru jackets and afros.


You are a putz. I guess Pitt shouldn't have played Christian in "Legends of the Fall" considering that he hadn't been born in the early 1900s. Think before you post and don't post while under the influence.

bushtony and his mother suffer from Congential Stupidtiy and they didn't see it coming.


Maybe they should have gotten an 18 year old and had him wear make up for the older age scenes. Personally I didn't have a problem with Pit portraying someone for a 15 year time span.


No goof at all, and Pitt wasa the perfect choice for the role.


Being specialized, as in being a sniper, will move you up the "ladder" more quickly than just and ordinary G.I. Basic training, then sniper training puts bars on your sleeve, especially when others are being killed. In war, everybody moves up with the body count.


Film spans from 1975 to 1991; 16 years. Though you would expect some changes in the appearance of characters, i guess it could be negligible. For example, i'm 34 now. when you see photos of mine taken in 1996 (16yrs back when i was 18) , no one notice much difference except for slight facial puffiness nowadays. Therefore, i would ignore this issue. However, situation may be different if it is like 25yr span.


Are you serious?

I can only imagine your view on the movie Lincoln. They cast Daniel Day Lewis as Lincoln. He was -97 years old.

You're a funny guy. Although, I don't think you mean to be.


I wonder if the OP's managed to get his foot out of his mouth yet.
