Redford calling her out, jeopardized the mission worse!!
I think this movie is very underated, but dont make sense how he acted like she might "bring down the whole operation"? He is the one who just let her know Pitt was planning something? (Wasnt Pitt who he said he was someone else) So his speech at the table would have only put Pitt in joepardy, if she was a ratical or bad like Redford assumed? So made no sense calling her out in front of Pitt? THAT WOULD JEOPARDIZE THE MISSION MORE! Then he takes her away after they kill the Shiek? She didnt ruin it? Or tell anyone at least, was Pitt fault for sleeping with her that night, but that should have proved she wasnt bad at least towards thier operation there. And Pitt tells Redford he is on way with his radio when he is goin to get doctor, yet Redford or Pitt never contact each other again, like were are you? Why they never talked to each other again was huge hole? I LOVE MOVIE and deserves more credit, but just dont understand those 2 parts? Redford calling her out was worse for mission, not better! And takin her away? I know he used people, but it seems that she did not do anything like Redford said "jeopardize" the mission. Was Pitt's fault, she didnt tell anyone. So seemed a little strange he would do that to her, cause she didnt ruin it. Was Pitt`s own fault. I know how his character was, using people, but just seemed a little odd and not talking on radio again? Only 2 issues, but loved movie!