Nikki's So-Called Revenge

Something that Tarantino said once (I can't remember where) has always bothered me... he said that he was thinking about doing a third movie with Nikki seeking out the Bride because she deserves her revenge for the Bride killing her mother Vernita as much as the Bride deserves her revenge for her old assassination pals trying to kill her and her baby (not to mention her fiance and her friends).

Uh... no.

Let's assume that the Bride's vengeance was just, and that killing Bill and her former cohorts was simply her meting out justice. If killing Vernita was just, then Nikki doesn't deserve revenge at all.

Now, one could argue that it wasn't just to kill Vernita in front of her daughter, but that's not exactly the Bride's fault. She wanted a private showdown, and Vernita tried to ambush her in the kitchen. The Bride merely defended herself.



The bride killed her mother (just or unjust doesn't matter Mother's Day is ruined for her for the rest of her life), also its safe to assume she didn't get her after school snack that day. Revenge is due my friend.


Lack of school snack aside, if Vernita deserves her death and Nikki does her research and understands why, then I'd still have trouble imagining Nikki deserving of revenge. *shrugs*



That’s right. Nikki’s mom had it coming.
