Jimmy's brother

Personally, I found this movie to be a great movie. It was based on real life, and let's face it, real life can be very boring at times. I think they cast the perfect actors for all the characters.

Now onto Jimmy's brother. When jimmy was young and his father was restationed, they always called jimmy in to "talk" to him, and his brother was present. He was even in the car when they arrived in Texas and saw the oil riggs.

He went into the store to buy socks and found out about the old baseball field. We saw him there as a youngster, then as an adult. After that, Jimmy's brother just disappeared. He wasn't around for Hunter's birthday party, or for Jimmy's subsequent rise back to the major leagues. Nothing more was ever said about him, nor did they ever call his name. This was a gaff in the continuity of the movie that I have wondered about.

I have watched the movie at least two dozen times as I own it, and still never heard about what happened to his brother.

Anyone else notice this?


Siblings scatter. It's no big deal... don't you have any brothers or sisters?

There is no idea so grand that you cannot find a fool who supports it. - Niven


no, but for the mom, dad and brother to live in the same town and NO ONE talks about him... odd!
And then, when he makes it to the big leagues, wouldn't his brother want to be there?
I always wondered about that too.

**I'm gonna go change my feet**


I wondered what happened to the brother too.


That's why I'm here and still no explanation...
