MovieChat Forums > The Rookie (2002) Discussion > Curse word in this G rated movie?

Curse word in this G rated movie?

Dennis Quaid clearly says damn in this movie. He's explaining the radar guns to his wife and says something about checking the damn radar guns. But isn't this G?

Born a rebel
Died a hero
Remembered a legend


Damn is'nt considered a curse word......
Or is it bleeped on every *beep* tv-show??


Well, if damn isn't a curse word, which ones are curse words?

Born a rebel
Died a hero
Remembered a legend


I don't think I can post them on this website

Liz: "You think I'm better off without him?" Jason: "I know do you"


Of course you can.

I saw these "cursed" words all over this website. See the Pulp Fiction quotes, for an example...



The "J" word is considered a curse word here in IMDB. Never say it when posting here.

When an evil masochist dies does he go to hell, or would heaven be a better punishment?



Hell and damn can be said in G rated movies and even commercials(such as Shaft) because(I'm guessing) they're more of a "biblical" curse word. Something you would hear in church. While it's not likely you'll hear "Eat my sh*t you c*ck s*cking bastard" at church.

You never went to my church. ;)


"Damn" by itself isn't considered a curse word. However, for some reason "God damn" is.

Do I contradict myself?
Very well then, I contradict myself.
(I am large, I contain multitudes.)


Okay why must we discuss the "cursed" words in a movie, the rating system we have is bad some movies go extremely excessive but if you don't want you kids to hear the word damn in a movie then you have serious problems...this is whats wrong with America in general.......way too uptight


Well, finally, the American problem (in general) has been discovered. Now the healing process can begin.
(rolls eyes)


Ahh, yes. You live in that distant land where "problems" really means "morals".

Uptight? I think you meant to say UPRIGHT. But either way... do you know what the opposite of "tight" is? Personally, I'd prefer my kids grow up right, or even uptight, as opposed to LOOSE. If you don't care how your kids are raised then you have serious problems (and I live in the land where "problems" means "problems").

There is no idea so grand that you cannot find a fool who supports it. - Niven


Well yeah, we can't have God in mainstream America now, can we?

I don't get that either, I mean, when someone says God damn, or God damnit on TV, they bleep out GOD and not the actual swear!



just a question, wat is the j-word, is it jizz?

We've gotta buckle down, dig deep, and hope the other team comes down with cancer.



Willow: A doodle. I do doodle. You too. You do doodle, too.


But that is the name of an actual animal, and you even hear people say that on old tv shows like taxi.


damn is all right

class of 2005


haha, about the church thing...

You've obviously not been to mine either...
Movies are censored better than mass :)


Uptight? How about a*al retentive? The J word, Jezebel? Disney corporation, like media corporations propaganda "news", is about profit & gaining advantage over others. Can't say god damn because that's our doing, as a world ruler & as "followers" of (one of ) the greatest religious, excuse me -spiritual, teachers. Yeah, like such people were followers, & manipulated others to be sheep-like hypocritical Pharisees. The rating system messed things up, like creativity - kind of how the purpose of religion is to stop one from having a spiritual experience. Culture wars: to control & own your ovaries, or your life if you're a draftee, etc., as if you & I were an indentured slave. Land of the free, home of the brave? So let's talk movies, & stop all the self-righteous, moralizing, fear-based (religious?) manipulation, which only encourages a mirrored & opposite response. Sticks & stones..., or rather U.S. depleted-uranium ammunition & "smart" bombs..., but words will never hurt me. Thank Goddess the word "water" isn't wet. Fear not, ye faint of heart! ; )



I don't get that either, I mean, when someone says God damn, or God damnit on TV, they bleep out GOD and not the actual swear!

I realize this is a ten-year-old comment...but it has nothing to do with not not wanting God in mainstream, despite what 'persecuted Christians' say. Quite the opposite. From what I've heard in the past, 'god damn' is saying God's name in vain, so people refrain from saying it.

Let's say no to homophonia. We all sound the same inside.



The d-word is a literal curse word and profanity. Curse words and bad language are all over TV and films these days to the point that it's even in so-called "G" rated films and PG rated television/films. People often say the alternative versions of these words as well ("darn" or "heck"), but to me it is practically the same thing even though I know they mean it to be harmless. I suggest you buy a TV Guardian or something similar to at least block out the language if you don't try to avoid these programmes all together.



Theres a song playing when the HS team is starting on their winning streak,"Slow Turning",I think,where he sings Damn,also.
