Hi all, I have to disagree with the previous poster.
I was actually the under manager of a small but mega busy photo shop selling all the usual stuff, frames, albums, film, and developing all the photos onsite, doing exactly the same as Sy.....even working on near enough the same lab as his.
Oh man, it was the only job I ever had where I looked forward to getting up in the morning & going to. There was only 3 of us that worked there so I mostly worked alone which I loved even more I did it for about 7yrs & let me tell you it was never ever boring. I worked there when disposable cameras & 135mm film were at the height of popularity and because we were the only photo shop which did 1hr developing we just never stopped, I absolutely loved it!
I think that's why the film intrigues me so much, everything to do with the photo developing was very accurate....although we didn't have a posh & clean looking developing area as Sy had lol.
The part were Sy says something like....the woman who only takes pics of her cat, the amateur porn bloke, the new parents etc, oh, that part is so true.
The funny thing was is that most customers didn't realise we actually had to check every photo so we saw everything.....and I did end up seeing EVERYTHING POSSIBLE!
One incident I will never forget is a newly wed local couple who had just had a baby. The girl was really nice, the bloke was a major turd. They would come in together to drop off their rolls, nothing unusual.
Then he would come in the next day alone & drop more film off, that film was of him & another bloke having sex, chilling in bed, kissing, holding hands.
The poor missus obviously had no clue & he had no clue that I knew. But stuff like that was confidential, so just had to smile & be polite.
I have so many shocking tales like that!
So to answer the OP's question, yes, it was an amazing job to have, every day was different & interesting, unfortunately days like that are gone now due to digital. x