Don't drink tap water
I have been giving this show another chance, and watched the newer episodes lately.
I have noticed a few things - one is, how Larry STILL can't make a show without self-referencing (he's even recycling plot points and 'jokes' from earlier seasons of Curb Your Enthusiasm AND doing a 'slight variant on Seinfeld jokes')..
..the other is the surprising TAP WATER stuff.
What.. why is this a thing?
Let's just talk about water for awhile.
There's a common misconception that all water is the same. Rain water, waterfall water, lake water, spring water, tap water, sweat, ocean water - it's all the same.
Of course every water is different, but because water doesn't have a powerful, artificially enhanced taste, the unwashed masses think it all tastes and thus is the same. This couldn't be further from the truth.
If you EVER research HOW tap water is actually 'made', WHAT kind of process it goes through before it comes out of your tap, I friggin' guarantee you will AT LEAST pause a bit before raising that glass of tap water near your lips.
They add chemicals to it. They remove things from it, and as Victor Schauberger already knew, they kill LIFE from it. It's as lifeless as possible, compared to the LIVING water of a spring.
This effect alone, which IS NOTICEABLE, by the way, makes spring water (which Americans call 'bottled water', maybe to give them an out if someone proves spring water IS different, so they can say they meant 'bottled tap water') VASTLY different from tap water.
It goes further, though. The mineral content is different, the bacteria levels are different (the more bacteria, the more living the water is, and essentially, the healthier and more natural it is for the human body).
But it goes EVEN further than that. There's a vast TASTE difference in tap and spring water. You don't notice it if you have been drinking tap water like water, but if you take a pause, and ONLY drink spring water for a couple of weeks, then try to drink tap water, I guarantee you will be repulsed by the tap water.
There's some kind of 'chemical taste' and even smell to tap water that you get used to, but if you distance yourself from it for awhile, you can EASILY detect and notice, that's completely absent from spring water.
This makes you instinctively want to put something in the water before drinking it, to make it taste a bit more pleasant.
But wait! THERE'S MORE!!
After you do this kind of experiments, you can notice even more things; spring water looks absolutely glistening under a bright light, tap water, not so much. It looks SO 'pure, bright and beautiful' that someone in a grocery line even COMMENTED on it to me, when I bought a bottle, how sparklingly clean, pure and bright it looks.
The EASIEST-to-notice-difference, to me, though, is that when you try to drink VAST QUANTITIES quickly, tap water causes your throat to try to perform some kind of acrobatics, it's slow to 'glug down', and it is difficult to drink a big quantity of it, it seems harsh and hard to get down. It's like hard candy, it takes awhile to process it through.
Spring water goes almost like THROUGH you without you noticing, it's like cotton candy in this candy comparison, it's almost like eating a cloud.
People that claim 'all water is the same', or 'bottled water is the same as tap water', CLEARLY have not experimented at all, or researched at all, or have ANY kind of sense of smell or 'glugging speed comparison' ability.
There's also that 'chemical smell and taste' that's so repulsive, I can NEVER drink tap water straight - it's also best to let it become as cold as it's going to get before drinking it, so let it drain a long time - you should never just instantly drink what comes out of the tap, you should let it flow for awhile.
This chemical smell can go away if you let the water 'air' for awhile. When it reacts with oxygen, there's a reaction that seems to make most of the most vile and horrible chemical repulsion diminish enough to make it drinkable. So wait for it to get as cold as possible (might take awhile), then put the water in a big bottle or canister, then let it just remain overnight on a table or something in an open container, THEN you can drink it. Much more pleasant an experience.
Having done this kind of experimentation, having experienced the differences between the 'waters' very deeply and undebatably, knowing all I know about the water, I can't understand WHY they would just drink tap water WITHOUT at least asking how long has the water 'aired', how long did they let it flow before putting it in the container, without talking about the chemicals they use to process it, without even MENTIONING Victor Schauberger, and so on.
THAT is appalling about this show.. they treat tap water as if it's just another water, only slightly less good-tasting.
There's just _SO_MUCH_MORE_ to it that I wish they had talked about, I can imagine Larry researching and ranting about this, and it being funny!