What's a shucker?

Is that a real thing, or something made up for this show?


It's the person who shucks the oysters.


Why can't they shuck the oysters themselves?


When do the rich do anything themselves?


Is it really that hard to shuck oysters, why can't a regular waiter do it, do you really need a specialised person for this?


Have you ever seen an oyster?, their shells are sharp and jagged and add to that mix a super sharp knife and you have a recipe for disaster.
I wouldn't expect a waiter to do it. It's something a chef would do


I've seen oyster for sale but never ate them, are they different from regular edible mussels or clams? If you need a specialized person to open them, they seem like just too much trouble, are they really that tasty...?


Yes. Are you a hillbilly from the Ozarks or something? Oysters are expensive delicacies.


I'm from Romania, we had oysters before US even existed, every supermarket with fresh fish also has them, but they never seemed appealing to me, what's so special about them?


That seems to show how backwards Romania is, if every supermarket has them yet you are so ignorant. You might want to rethink that whole nonsensical "before US even existed" quip.


> That seems to show how backwards Romania is

I'd bet your Uber rating is a 1.


I'm actually surprised that they were even referenced on the show, and yes it's a real word.


Oh ya


I think they used to shuck corn ... so "shucking" is about removing the junk part of some food so that one can eat the good part. Though, to me there really is not good part of an oyster ... or clam ... blecht!! But I do like a good clam/seafood chowder. They texture is a bit different when cooked.
