Larry David has a net worth of $400 million, why is he so cheap? "$2 parking, what a ripoff!"
shareLarry David has a net worth of $400 million, why is he so cheap? "$2 parking, what a ripoff!"
shareHe has a lower middle-class background and wasn't successful til he was nearly in middle age.
shareit is a ripoff
shareHe's still a normal guy who won't stand injustice.
Larry isn't cheap at all. He offered to pay for Cousin Andy's kid's college education, he opened his home to the Blacks after Hurricane Katrina. He doesn't mind spending his money.
He just doesn't like getting ripped off or being taken advantage of, that's all.
It's the principle.
Well, if you have 1000 dollars, and everyone you meet is constantly asking you for 50 cents, soon you won't have 1000 dollars. Also, you want to be able to CHOOSE where you spend your money, instead of just constantly having to slowly drain it out because others (unreasonably) demand it from you.
Wealth doesn't always translate psychologically to 'I can just splurge money at every opportunity'. Many rich people are rich because they are stingy misers. Should I use the word 'nggardly'? Would people not take it the wrong way?
Benny Hill was by any definition, "VERY RICH". However, he didn't ever quite understand 'millions', but when soup cost 50 shillings more than he was used to, he undrstood THAT as money. He understood the chump change just fine, but he could never quite grasp the concept of millions or hundreds of thousands. Those numbers were simply too big to represent money in his psyche.
So someone CAN become 'technically' or 'financially' wealthy, but this doesn't mean they FEEL like they are rich. If you have a lot of money, but FEEL like you are poor, it's going to be difficult for you to pay two dollars extra for a pie or something.
It sounds crazy, but human psyche works in mysterious ways, an experience doesn't necessarily automatically translate to a 'feeling of experience'. Zillion bucks in the bank doesn't change your emotions to 'wealthy banker' from 'can't afford to buy a pie'.
It's kinda logical, when you think about it - a few slips of paper exhanging hands do not automatically change your emotions, a few numbers changing in a bank's computer do not do it, either.