are you really surprised?

I was on Yahoo, and I saw this news release on it:

HOLLYWOOD (Variety) - Thanks to the spreading product-placement phenomenon, one of the co-stars in Miramax's upcoming Gwyneth Paltrow starrer "A View From the Top" is a bottle of beer. But the brewer's original label has figuratively ended up on the cutting-room floor.

Los Angeles visual effects shop Metrolight Studios digitally replaced the original Heineken bottles in several "View From the Top" scenes with bottles of Coors, with which Miramax has a long-term product placement agreement.

"We have a corporate alliance with them," Miramax product-placement maven Lori Sale noted. "It's a seven-year relationship that includes things like premiere parties as well as product placements."

Miramax secured an unspecified annual cash consideration when it struck the corporate agreement with the Denver brewery early last year. And the pact grants Coors the right to nix Miramax's showing rival beer brands in its movies.

So, in keeping with the spirit of the agreement, Miramax decided to digitally alter its "View", which had already begun shooting when the pact was struck.

No word on what kind of suds were served at the picture's wrap party.

"View" unspools in wide release on March 21.

Actually, I'm not too surprised...
