no to a sequel!

a friend of mine suggested that a sequel should be made. i thought the movie wrapped up fine, and there have been a lot of really nad sequels recently to fine movies. i was wondering what others opinion was on this matter



No, they should be no sequel. the first is bad enough. If Mike Myers would have not been in it. I would have not watched it at all....


What the deuce made a good point. They don't make sequels to movies that flop. I think this was one of the lowest grossing films of the year! Hollywood's all about profit, profit, profit. And we've proven that no profit is to be made here.


this movie would ve to make at least like 45 well depends on the budget since i dont no what it is i would say btw 30 and 50. but it only made 15


Don't worry, there won't be one!

It'll be OK, to walk on tiptoes everyday...
