futuristic in a way

Why does everthing seem like its based in the future.. Espically the airports.. In the very end the airport she was in in Paris it looked like something straight out of a future flick...If anyone could help me out on this that would be great...thanks...and i think this movie is cute..but then again it could be that im just parshal ( sp ) to Mark Ruffolo ( sp )


I dunno, but the plane interior when she gets her head smacked into the bun was definately fake. That made it look kinda futuristic I thought?


I think they went with alot of mid-century modern styles (which ws the idea of the future 50 years ago). That was also the heyday of glamourous flying.


it wasn't really that futuristic, that's what the chicago o'hare airport looks like. as for the planes, i've never been in a plane like that but i'm sure that kind of plane is real. when i watched the movie i thought it was from the 80s or 90s cause of the way they dressed
