Not only is every piece of dialogue or scenery involving her corny and, in general, terrible, but her presence is revealed to be entirely pointless.
I thought her lines were great! "You hear that song and you run! because that song means something terrible for you! something you couldn't dream about in your worst nightmares!"
and of course "I hear one of you screaming in the dark, screaming the last scream you'll ever scream!" great lines delivered extremely well in my opinion.
Her purpose was, and there's a name for these exposition giving characters, was to inform the audience what the creeper is and what it wants. It's not just a scary monster trying to kill some kids. It's a monster that eats body parts to grow stronger. That point needed to be driven home to explain how the Creeper keeps coming back and regenerating it's flesh but especially because of the final shot of the movie.
Your right that she doesn't actually change anything that happens and Trisha herself actually points this out; "why didn't you dream up something useful?" to which Jezelle responds something to the effect of "I thought if you knew what I knew that you could change something, why the hell do you think I'm here?". Jezelle has visions of the future and unless she intervenes then it's going to play out exactly how she dreamed it. She thought her showing up at the police station and letting the kids know what's happening might be able to somehow change the course of events.