Patrick Moore's comments about TV
Moore blames women for 'banal' TV - Tuesday, 8 May 2007
Sir Patrick Moore is right up to a certain extent.
He is wrong to think that because MOST women prefer cooking, housekeeping, fashion, etc. it is somehow an inherent part of their different biology.
I am a woman and I love the Sky at Night, and other science programmes. I thoroughly hate all those banal television shows geared towards women.
He is wrong to think we should segregate television with a channel for men and a channel for women. This would encourage the idea that women are neurologically wired to like certain shows, and men are neurologically wired to like other types of shows. That would be sexist.
It is mostly because of a skewed upbringing of both sexes that causes the phenomenon of Gender. Different genders like different things, but biologically, the sexes are not any different in interests.
I don't see what's wrong with making women commanders on Star Trek. Only if they were obviously unqualified or incompetent, or because they only dramatically serve the purpose of injecting romance into the show, then I would disapprove as well. But not liking women commanders just because they are females, is sexist. Hopefully Sir Patrick Moore is not sexist and favours my former explanation over the latter.
I would certainly *understand* if Sir Moore were a misogynist, because his astrophysics field is dominated by men, and after a while you'd forget the social reasons why women are so scarce, and begin to delude yourself into believing that women must innately hate science and love crap.
I'd understand, but it would be wrong, anhd I'd still call him sexist. I want to be a physicist and it's because of those sort of justified delusions that women face roadblocks in forwarding their careers.
"You're losing blood, aren't you?"
"Probably. My socks are wet."
i <3 AD