I get this show online. It's one of the only true science shows that isn't doubling as children's entertainment like most of the Discovery and History Channels' stuff. Even PBS' NOVA has been dumbed down to simple entertainment with their ScienceNOW series.
One thing though. As an American, I can not understand Most of what comes out of Sir Moore's mouth. Is it the British accent, is it elder mumble, or both? Do Brits have a hard time understanding him also?
Patrick Moore recently celebrated his 89th birthday, so you can appreciate that his voice is indeed due to "elder mumble".
As a regular viewer of "The Sky at Night" I have witnessed his physical deterioration and I have got used to the change in his voice over the years, so I have no difficulty in understanding him. However, I have often wondered whether a newer viewer would have difficulty in comprehending him; your comment suggests that this is a problem.
As I write this I am watching an edition of the programme from 2001 and Patrick's voice is quite clear on this, so this deterioration has obviously happened over the last 10 years or so.
Despite his obvious infirmity - his rare public appearances are made in a wheelchair and "The Sky at Night" is usually broadcast from his home - his mind is still as sharp as ever. He certainly demonstrates that we should not judge by appearances.
Incidentally, as a Knight of the British Empire he would be addressed as "Sir Patrick", not "Sir Moore".
"There's no point in being grown-up if you can't be childish sometimes!"