Queer as Folk Marathon -Season 1-Episode 13
Everyone is still busy, so I'm still doing the opening review.
shareEveryone is still busy, so I'm still doing the opening review.
shareThoughts on episode 113 pt 1 of 2
Main points
Melanie continues to have trouble dealing with working extra hours to support Lindsay taking care of what Mel believes the world sees as Linds and Brian's baby. But my sympathy for Mel's situation wears thin this outing because instead of living with her poor choices or insisting that Lindsay agree to the therapists she wants, Mel elects to take the fruitless route of constantly sniping and griping. In this campaign of pissing and moaning, apparently no one is spared as Melanie thinks it's just fine to broadcast her displeasure to the girl's friends. Lindsay gets no points either however. Linds may be putting up a happy front and playing the put upon partner, but this viewer can't forget that for all Lindsay's seemingly indulgent, accommodating manner, she refused Mel's only request. It's also very easy to be the "nice one" when everything is going your way.
Was mostly bored by the baby shower, but believe this was the intention. Was still slightly amused by the way Mel chats up the only unpartnered woman by way of making a derisive comment about the woman's best friend. Seems sticking her foot in her mouth at social gatherings is a regular thing with Melanie. Not so much amusing as confusing is one of the women calling Mel and Linds " trailblazing pioneers". What was the idea behind this? No authority on lesbians here, but am pretty sure lesbian couples with turkey baster babies were already common to the point of cliche even by the early aughties. Must mention that as much of an irritating yawn the shower was, we do get some nice close ups of Gus. And as Gus is one cute baby, this alone makes me grateful the baby shower took place.
Thoroughly disliked the conduct Mel displayed at the shower. Her complaining to Linds during the party, not even trying to hide her contempt for the role model label, and going off to smoke with unattached party guest Marianne at a function where she was a host is inexcusable. Then there is the undisputed report from Lindsay about Mel being gone half the time and generally being critical and rude. Seems Mel won't shut up about how wrong everything is for one minute, and is intent on sharing her unhappiness with every one. Perhaps it's the nonstop complaining that's causing Lindsay to withhold her affections. Not taking Linds side here, as her wheedling and dithering led to this state of affairs. But after having allowed herself to give into Lindsay's demands, Mel is refusing to live with decisions she herself made.
The scene depicting Mel guiltily creeping up the stairs to Lindsay alternating with flashbacks of the sexual liason causing her remorse, is inspired. Enjoyed the way similar imagery is used as the focus is on Mel's hand on the stairwell railing as she climbs the steps of her home, and as Marianne leads Mel by the hand up the stairs of her place. The melancholy music, unusual but fitting for both scenes in the way that this show does so well, is barely audible at the beginning. The bit where Mel slowly and carefully walks into her bedroom trying so hard to be quiet, only to have the floor creak is so very real. Liked the way Mel stopped immediately at the noise, realizing that all possibility of avoiding Linds is over. And as Linds does indeed wake up, our first view of her is as a reflection in the mirror behind Mel, who's still standing by the creaky spot on the floor. Really appreciate it when the show gives us extra little visual treats like this. Things now progress faster and as the action picks up, the music becomes more noticible. Mel is shown sitting at he foot of the bed while Linds asks her where she was all night in a mildly accusatory tone, with Mel responding in an equally defensive tone that she went for a smoke. Mel and Lindsay's discussion is intercut with glimpses of Melanie's one night stand in what appears to be a pretty good if brief lesbian sex scene. But not being into lesbians myself, I can't fully appreciate Mel and Marianne's efforts. Toward the end we get more similarities coming together as both Lindsay and Marianne ask Mel if she is alright/okay. But after a hopeful joining of hands, the scene ends with Mel leaving her and Lindsay's bedroom to sleep elsewhere. Not sure, but believe this to be a testament to Melanie's guilt and to her action creating an even greater rift between this couple.
Have to say, thought it was rather bold, and not in a good way, for Marianne to initiate a conversation with Linds at the hospital. It just seems wrong. And of course, in true television fashion, Mel enters the room in time to see the women together. This seems to trigger the immediate need for Mel to come clean to Linds about her infidelity. Was rather annoyed but unfortunately not surprised when, also in true television fashion, Lindsay finally agrees to Mel's request to see a therapist, now that it's too late.
Not happy about was is happening, but like how the confession scene is executed. The minimal dialog and distant camera range actually seems to mirror the void that has developed between this couple. Both women are shot in full body profile. And Mel doesn't actually get specific about her "crime", only saying something happened. Lindsay wordlessly and physically backs away as she correctly fills in the blanks in a manner more touching than words could convey. The girls part sadly, walking away in opposite directions.
I would feel more regret over the demise of this union if I wasn't so overcome with irritation at the pointlessness of it all. Melanie goes on and on about how everything's wrong when in fact, the couple only have a few problems that have been blown out of proportion. And the problems they do have were created by Mel and Linds themselves, a detail that neither woman seems willing to acknowledge. Yes Mel has a right to feel burned about her choice to sacrifice for Lindsay. But Melanie's method of dealing with it is nonstop bellyaching, which is tiresome to hear, distressful to everyone and useless as a solution. At this point I don't care anymore, and just want Mel to shut up. Lindsay is of course no better, as she must have everything her way down to the finest details, not giving into even the smallest request from her partner. These women don't have any gigantic problems that couldn't be resolved with Mel owning up to her mistakes and Lindsay bending a little bit. Even Mel's indiscretion is rendered surmountable when Linds appears willing to work things out. But Mel, apparently needing to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory, would rather wallow in guilt than try to move forward. And for all the drama, this viewer still doesn't see what all the fuss is about. If this is all it takes to break up Melanie and Lindsay, one wonders how they lasted as long as they did.
Emmett's planned journey to straightness continues with him still hanging around with his friends at Babylon, but refusing to partake of his usual activities while sporting a jacket over a turtleneck. Over time this look will become a visual qaf cue for someone who's trying to be something he's not. Emmett's meeting with Matt hints at a grim grey life ahead for "successful" "See the Light" members. Seems even Emmett's not all that overt hands gestures will be forbidden. But while Emmett recounts problems that seem due to lack of practicality rather than being gay, we actually learn more about Matt than Emmett. When Matt tells Emmett it won't be easy, his extra emphasis of the "fabulous' gowns when remembering his former drag queen days make it obvious that Matt knows just how easy it won't be. His intense blue eyed gaze and clear dedication to the cause unmistakedly mark him as a zealot. But Matt's understated manner and almost smile at Emmett's mention of Barbara's latest farewell tour keep this disciple of homosexual reformation from becoming a complete caricature.
Emmett's fondness for Steisand concerts might not be shared with his friends, but an interest and familiarity with gay pornography is. And it is to this end that we happen upon one of those coincidences so common in tv land, in which Emmett's favorite porn star is doing a play in their town. And with a plan to somehow enlist Zach O Tool to bring Emmett back to gaydom, Ted and Michael take a trip to the theater that is silly but still oh so fun. Was comically pleased that the play was just as one would expect a play with a porn star lead in a gay venue to be like. Love how mesmerized Ted was by Zach's performance. Especially enjoyed all the wrist action Mr. Schmidt was giving his program during the show. After finally premiering live male frontal nudity two episodes ago, the play gives us more of it, with one oddly angled (and alas almost certainly false) closeup, and several long shots of other smaller men. Was disappointed to get only three real d*#k shots and not the twelve horny men the title promised. But in a world where film and television is run almost exclusively for and by straight men, beggars can't be choosers. Enjoyed the signing at the end with Zach clearly happy with his profession as Ted practically gushes and Michael wears a big goofy grin. Couldn't help but notice however, the frosty breath of everyone in what would become a common sight in qaf outdoor scenes. Also noticed the three speaking roles wore lightweight unbuttoned coats. Can't help but wonder if the actors were really cold that night.
All the interaction between Michael, Ted, and Emmett has become contentious and uncomfortable. Which is all the more strange because Michael and Ted are both closer to Emmett than they are to each other. So seeing them lined up together on the opposing side of Emmett is disconcerting. Noticed that Emmett's mention of the "See the Light" group by name got an instant reaction from both men, indicating he organization is well known in their circle. This leaves little doubt about why Matt withheld the name of his group from Emmett early on, and makes you wonder how many potential converts were scarred away before he learned to be more cagey. Not a fan of Ted and Michael's reactions of anger and outrage over Emmett having seen the light. Ted's hostile accusatory attacks on Emmett's new friends and Michael comparing the organization to Jonestown , made it impossible for Emmett to do anything but deny the accusations and defend his new choices.
But far worse than Ted berating Emmett was his plan to use Zach O Tool to bring his friend back to his former self. As it was, Emmett resisted sex with his favorite porn star. And the realization that Ted had paid Zach to tempt him only solidified his doubts about Ted's motives, brought about a break with his friends, and strengthened Emmett's resolve. But had Emmett succumbed to the charms of Mr. O Tool, it wouldn't necessarily bring him back to his former happy homosexual self. More than likely, giving in would only make Emmett more miserable and angry at his own weak willed inability to resist falling back into his old habits. His distress might even have been so extreme as to make Emmett a danger to himself. So regardless of the outcome, Ted's attempt at using temptation to lure his friend back was ill wise and potentially devastating.
In Zach O Tool, we're given a porn actor who is proud of his job, seemingly regarding his work simply as acting and no different than any other acting gigs of a nonsexual nature. It is refreshing to see a porn star portrayed as educated, articulate, and neither defensive nor apologetic about what he does. This is not very common in fictional, and unfortunately, non fictional porn actors, but it is something to be hoped for. Zach and Emmett together were also fun to watch, but thought Emmett's reaction to seeing his favorite porn star was way, way understated. I mean who could open the door to your favorite actor and show so little reaction? This just didn't ring true for me. But overall, thought Zach and Emmett together was fun and funny. Of particular note for being both amusing and disturbing, was all the talk about Zach raping various men in his movies. This highlights a shameful theme in many recent porn movies, and underlines that in this culture, homosexual rape is frequently played for laughs.
Matt's efforts to separate Emmett from his friends is a well known cult tactic. And his "warning" to Emmett that his friends weren't looking out for his best interest if they didn't support his new path. So any opposition would be considered hostile. Ted and Michael's violent reaction may have hastened things, but the end result would probably be the same regardless. Emmett's constipated expression since trying to convert is confusing. Is he adapting this visage as part of what Emmett believes heterosexuals to be like, or is he just incredibly miserable in his efforts to convert? Matt really doesn't look all that happy either, and makes you wonder who he was before he saw the light.
End of pt 1 of 2....pt 2 will be about a week or two as I am also busy right now.
...............part 2 of 2.........................
...............main points continued..............
Was surprised to learn that here is a limit to how far even Brian can go with his sexual escapades, after he has sex with a subordinate right in his office. Never cared much anytime the focus was on Brian's job. It just never rang as true or seemed as interesting as the other character's livelihoods, despite assumptions that an advertising executive's vocation is supposedly glamorous and exciting. The one thing I did enjoy about Brian's job was his assistant Cynthia, but she's nowhere to be seen this time around. Instead we get Bob and Brad, who O at first took for actual twins, but instead simply dress and otherwise look as much alike as possible. Suppose the looking alike bit has something to do with showing how the pair follow the same fashion and visual cues, the point being they have little imagination and cannot think outside of a narrow set of lines. And assuming that the similarly named team are not related, lack of imagination must also extend back to both men's parents. The duo's main purposes here are to highlight the superior talent of Kip, and to serve as targets for Brian's verbal assaults. Most of the office scenes nearly made my eyes glaze over, with Kip and Brian being every bit as boring as Bob and Brad. But for some strange reason, did enjoy the second scene with Bob and Brad where they are again being bawled out by Brian for another misguided campaign. Find the line "They're afraid to smile. They're !*#king teeth will fall out!", way funnier than I probably should.
Was confused or thrown by a number of things in this story line. Was quite distracted by Brian's hair, which surely was purposely made to appear expensively styled. But the hair is over styled here to the point that it's all you see. The distraction of Brian's hair so great, I sometimes had to reverse the remote to go back and listen to what was being said. Guess there is such a thing as being too pretty. And the strange desertion of Brian's usually on point gaydar was confusing. We've seen Brian identify fellow homosexuals off the street by sight alone, and correctly ferret out the same sex leanings of a married with children client. But here Kip practically has to put his hands down Brian's pants before Mr. Kinney gets the message. And what of Kip? The man is said to be genuinely talented, yet when he comes across a fellow gay man he throws this away in favor of favoritism and lawsuits to get what he wants. And what does Kip want, money? Did this guy really go all the way through college and get employment in an advertising outfit just in the hope of finding someone to aid his career in exchange for favors, sexual or otherwise. Was this planned or did Kip completely alter the course of his work path just because he got wind of another gay man in the company? It all seems pretty peculiar to me
But whether by caprice or design, Kip's move on Brian does lead to a very hot sex scene. And the scene in question gets rolling quickly as Brian locks the office door, closes the blinds, and relieves Kip of his shirt in rapid succession. Like that we barely see Brian push the papers off his desk but get a good look at them falling to the floor. And despite it being stylized and a bit overdone, still like the famous tearing of the condom wrapper segment. The close up of condom in hand as it's flicked into the air, the slow motion descent as Brian catches it in his teeth preceding a quick jump cut to him tearing the package open is silly and overblown. But the show seems to know this, not taking itself to seriously in the early days and making making this sort of showboating fun. Was also very appreciative of the next shot of a nude kip on his back atop Brian's desk, as Kip does have a pretty good body. Appreciate what comes after even more, as things get interesting swiftly. In the most unique display of a sex act yet, the action's shown already in progress from a floor's eye view as hard driving background kicks in. Looking from the bottom upward is a view of Brian's bare legs and Kip's naked backside as seen through a transparent glass desk. This unusual perspective continues as the camera moves up the men's bodies for an unexpected focus on the bottoms of Brian's fingertips as he balances himself. And the pan upward goes on til reaching a back view of Kip's head and a full on shot of Brian's face looking so intently at his sex partner, it almost made this viewer feel like a voyeur. As the pair go at it with a vigor matching the music, there's a change to a ceiling's eye view of the action with Brian's body over Kip's. There's a fair amount of time spent at this angle, which I considered slightly unfortunate because it doesn't show Brian's physic to best advantage. But you have to love the generosity of this show as there are also a host of other brief but photogenic angles of the proceedings. Additional vistas include a view over the top of Kip's head, a tight shot of Brian's face as Kip might see it as well as a Brian's eye view of Kip's face, a parcial side view, and more ceiling shots which, as said earlier, remind one how unappealingly skinny Brian can be. This wasn't a serious problem however, as the strength and determination of Brian's performance as he's serving up some pretty vigorous sex, more than makes up for his too slight body. And Kip gets points for trying to match his partner as, with eyes half closed and mouth agape, he looks to be having a real fun time as he grips onto Brian for the ride. Throughout this encounter there was a profuse amount of sweat rolling off both men. Was a little bothered by this as it was just too much. Realize that sweat is to be expected during rigorous sex, and that it's part and parcel of any qaf sex scene. But this amount of perspiration usually involves an extra long tennis match played at the height of summer, or the hot lights of a major music concert. Also not wild about the overly contrived falling exacto knife that sticks itself in the carpet. But these are extremely minor complaints, overall the whole scene was quite a pleasure. Have to admit i'm happy with any love/sex scene that diverges from the far too frequent b/j sexual interludes, even if it involves Brian or Justin with somebody else. But this session was imaginatively filmed, the action truly hot. So when the scene ends with Kip throwing back his arms and moaning, one can easily say this is one of the best sex scenes of the season.
Kip's attitude adjustment in the wrong direction after his romp with Brian is a little bemusing. By the time he and Brian get together for a work meeting in the loft, Kip is already feeling entitled. Kip asking Brian about his rent and stating "Not for long.", about his insufficient funds seemed like annoying bragging or cockiness on first viewing. But in hindsight it's clear that Kip already believes himself to be in Brian's favor to an unrealistic degree. And the presumptuousness of Brian's subordinate becomes truly awl inspiring when he has the effrontery to plant himself naked in Brian's bed while striking what he apparently believes is a seductive pose. He must be right about this at least, as Brian does go for it.
Have to take a moment here to point out that Brian has sex with Kip twice on two separate occasions. Early in the second season Brian will make a statement concerning his tricks that they are "Never old, Never the same ones twice.". It's a very quotable declaration but like a lot of things Brian says, completely false as this episode makes plain. But some fans, apparently insecure about the relationship of their favorite couple as it appears in canon, and looking to cling to anything additional that suggests Justin is special to Brian, jump on this quote like white on rice. Those touting this quote insist that this no repeat Brian that did have sex with Justin more than once illustrates further how special he was to Brian, possibly even from the beginning. And even though there is plenty of evidence to the contrary, these fans keep on insisting on the fable within a fable that is "never the same ones twice" Brian. Realize that a lot of things about this show are subject to individual interpretation, but there is no grey area here. If you say that Brian only ever slept with Justin once, to the exclusion of all others, you are wrong.
Most of this episode Brian interacts with people I don't care about. But he does find time to be an a**hole to both Michael and Ted by pointedly leaving Michael out of the next P Town vacation and calling Ted old, almost in the same sentence. Later, in a much appreciated bit of realism, Brian turns down a night out at Babylon with Justin due to work commitments. This is another episode where we see very little of Justin, but as in other stories where his time was slight, Justin is used well. He's absolutely adorable as he bounces around Brian's place like the over eager confident teenager he is. And loved Justin sneaking a look at Brian's work date. The boy's peek at Kip, which will be so significant later, works just as well here as random adolescent curiosity.
No matter how entitled Kip behaves in this story, he continues to surprise with his ability to up the ante, this time by asking about dinner with Brian. Seems he believes the two of them are dating now. But Kip's still not done as he asks, more like insists, that Brian recommend him for a promotion. It's even more apparent that Kip overestimate himself when he's actually shaken and confused when Brian refuses him. Later, when Kip is close to despondency over the promotion going elsewhere, it's obvious he's not just presumptuous, he's delusional.
Usually hate story lines featuring Brian's job job due to aforementioned reasons. But liked this plot line because Kip's ever escalating craziness is amusing, it yields a good sex scene, and gives us a chance to see Brian mentally squirm.
....................other things of note.............
Didn't find the Schulman shoe all that hideous. But did feel that Brian's black tie with a red rectangular outline was rather unsightly.
Brian gives the second, and possibly last mention we ever get of P Town. Was always bothered that so little attention was given to a very important gay vacation destination. But Brian does let us know that the group goes there often.
Admit not knowing a lot about lesbians. But if they have no use for men sexually, why do they use dildos in their encounters so often? Or is this another inaccuracy from a mostly male group of writers?
It seems like a disproportionate number of memorable scenes in this show, including both scenes this time around, involve sex. Or maybe it's just me.
This is the second Debbie-less episode in a row. No David this time either.
What's going on the the "Twelve Horny Men" extras? There appears to be a change in cast and in numbers between Zack's walking around on stage and a quick shot where the horny men are getting out of their seats. Then there seems to be another partial cast change and discrepancy in numbers between the time the men rise and when they stand up and disrobe.
Feel that it needs to be mentioned a second time that Brian does have sex with the same person more than once. And in this episode we actually see it happen. We are eyewitnesses for the first time. And while there is no second show, Kip's later remark about his and Brian's out of office meeting lets it be known that additional carnal activity did occur. So I say again to anyone who claims Brian never did the same ones twice, you are wrong.
Didn't care for the use of black godspell music as Emmett walks away from his friends and toward his efforts to see the light. It's true that the christian religion in general tends to oppose homosexuality, sometimes to the point of virulent hostility. But doubt that many black christian churches are active in organized homo to hetero conversion efforts.
As Melanie is saying goodbye to Gus, he is wearing the first in a series of baby hats that some viewers find absurd but I find adorable. This one is a long green tapered cap with a slight knotted accent near the pointed end. Think is makes Gus look like a baby elf.
.......................end pt 2 of 2.....
Everytime I try to post a comment on your review, something happens. But I've finally managed to finish it this time!
Even though I don't care much about Mel and Lindsay's issues, the whole scene which starts with Mel creeping up the stairs until she leaves the bedroom is my favorite in this episode. So I really enjoyed your observations about it.
Thoroughly disliked the conduct Mel displayed at the shower. Her complaining to Linds during the party, not even trying to hide her contempt for the role model label, and going off to smoke with unattached party guest Marianne at a function where she was a host is inexcusable.
That's actually one of the reasons she's one of my favorite characters on the show. To me, Lindsay's avoidance of dealing with the issue (which as you say aren't that big!) and always pretending that there was nothing wrong pushed Mel to keep nagging about it and ultimately to alternately disrespect and avoid Lindsay and her social events and friends altogether. I see Mel's behavior coming from an honest and direct person who would like to face the problems rather than pretend there's nothing wrong, wishing it would go away on its own somehow.
Not happy about was is happening, but like how the confession scene is executed. The minimal dialog and distant camera range actually seems to mirror the void that has developed between this couple. Both women are shot in full body profile. And Mel doesn't actually get specific about her "crime", only saying something happened. Lindsay wordlessly and physically backs away as she correctly fills in the blanks in a manner more touching than words could convey. The girls part sadly, walking away in opposite directions.
I love how you describe this scene and I agree. It's even more poingnant because of the minimal use of words.
And for all the drama, this viewer still doesn't see what all the fuss is about. If this is all it takes to break up Melanie and Lindsay, one wonders how they lasted as long as they did.
I agree I think the reason the whole thing escalated to such proportions is partly due to Lindsay's unwillingness to face the problem and Melanie becoming frustrated about that on top of all the other smaller problems.
Over time this look will become a visual qaf cue for someone who's trying to be something he's not.
So true! One would expect more from the show that has proven to be more creative than the usual shows in its different departments (cinematography, costumes, music, etc)!
But the hair is over styled here to the point that it's all you see. The distraction of Brian's hair so great, I sometimes had to reverse the remote to go back and listen to what was being said. Guess there is such a thing as being too pretty.
LOL, thanks for the laugh! I don't think anyone has ever said that!
Even though I'm obsessed with Brian and even think he's the hottest character ever (not one of the hottest), I'm more enthralled by his attitude and words than by his looks, so thankfully I'm able to get beyond the over-styled hair
And what of Kip? The man is said to be genuinely talented, yet when he comes across a fellow gay man he throws this away in favor of favoritism and lawsuits to get what he wants.
I guess it didn't seem peculiar to me because that's the ONLY way to achieve anything here in Lebanon (minus the lawsuits... lawsuits never get you anywhere), whether you were talented or not, unfortunately!
Those touting this quote insist that this no repeat Brian that did have sex with Justin more than once illustrates further how special he was to Brian, possibly even from the beginning.
No to me. I like the polygamy side of their relationship and I didn't even pay much attention to Brian saying that, because I think if he was enticed enough, he would be willing to do it, even if he claimed he only slept with any guy just once. what I appreciate is when later Justin imposes this rule, Brian still respects it long after Justin breaks it and other rules. It's not that it shows how much Brian loves Justin as much as it shows his integrity and honesty as a reliable person who would never break a promise and I adore him for that
He's absolutely adorable as he bounces around Brian's place like the over eager confident teenager he is. And loved Justin sneaking a look at Brian's work date.
I agree! Very cute!
This really is Mel and Linds' episode. It's also one of the rare times that their scenes were given as much care and attention as the men's were, such as with the staircase scene and the way their breakup has handled.
Agree that Lindsay's refusal to talk about the couples problems is infuriating and that Mel's desire to deal with problems is far, far the better way to go. But don't agree that Melanie should take her frustrations with Lindsay out on others. The "others" here being the party guests.
The breakup/confession was very well written and very well performed. Thea Gill, who I usually consider one of the weakest actors in the cast, did exceptionally good work here.
Also agree that Mel and Lindsay's rather small problems escalated mostly due to Lindsay's refusal to deal with them. But, if you remember, Linds really was getting every thing her way, and it was in her best interest to try to maintain the status quo. Never mind that it left Mel in a bad place. Lindsay has never shown much regard for her partner's interests or feelings before, so why should she start now.
Not being obsessed with Brian myself, I only see him as ONE of the hottest characters out there. And I'd rate his attitude and looks to be of equal importance, but both are required. This is the primary reason I have no interest in the actor who plays Brian, only the character.
Favoritism does get you a leg up, and it is definitely harder without it. But often talent alone can be enough.
Well, the whole point was that the "Never the same ones" people, as this episode shows are totally wrong. Justin was not the only person Brian has sex with more than once.
You bring up a interesting interpretation of why Brian continues to abide by Justin's rules even after Justin himself has broken them. Many see this as yet another example of how special Brian holds Justin. But perhaps his continued adherence to Justin's rules has more to do with Brian's own credo to abide by the terms he agreed to, even if others do not.
Justin really is great here. Perhaps they should have had more episodes where his character was used sparingly but used well.
I finally watched 113 last night. As I'm not gonna have time to write a full review, I'll comment on yours, dergil, so my review will be my comments on yours. Your reviews are so insightful, it's a pleasure to read them. I'm gonna do it little by little, according to available time, as I did in 112. Thank you, dergil.
"If Justin wants golden gardenias, he should have golden gardenias!" Brian Kinney
shareGreat review as usual, dergil!
But the hair is over styled here to the point that it's all you see. The distraction of Brian's hair so great, I sometimes had to reverse the remote to go back and listen to what was being said. Guess there is such a thing as being too pretty.LOL, thanks for the laugh! I don't think anyone has ever said that!
Even though I'm obsessed with Brian and even think he's the hottest character ever (not one of the hottest), I'm more enthralled by his attitude and words than by his looks, so thankfully I'm able to get beyond the over-styled hair
Feel that it needs to be mentioned a second time that Brian does have sex with the same person more than once. And in this episode we actually see it happen. We are eyewitnesses for the first time. And while there is no second show, Kip's later remark about his and Brian's out of office meeting lets it be known that additional carnal activity did occur. So I say again to anyone who claims Brian never did the same ones twice, you are wrong.
This is another episode where we see very little of Justin, but as in other stories where his time was slight, Justin is used well. He's absolutely adorable as he bounces around Brian's place like the over eager confident teenager he is. And loved Justin sneaking a look at Brian's work date. The boy's peek at Kip, which will be so significant later, works just as well here as random adolescent curiosity.
Thank you KatrinaW,
Agree that Brian's hair looked great in the early years and got progressively worse as the series went on. Thought his hair looked best in season two, when it was still styled but not as overdone as in earlier episodes. Brian's hair got worse in seasons three and four, but still looked good enough. It wasn't til the last season that his hair got noticeably dreadful to behold.
Brian didn't just let it slide with Kip. As remarks Brian will make in upcoming episodes will reveal, Brian did have sex with the same ones twice, seemingly quite often.
In the early days, when Justin had slight airtime the writers nearly always used what little time he had to best effect. Much more so, in fact, than when the other characters were given scant screen appearance. Justin was usually part of the plot, never just there to fill up space.
I was also bored with the girls, but I agree that the actresses did the best they could with the material they were given. Think the problem was, and this is just a guess, that the writers cared only about the men and had no interest in the women, and so never wrote anything of much interest for them to do. This idea is supported by the way Mel and Linds did have some good scenes, but usually when they were with the men.
Episode 113
Another great review, dergil. I enjoy Reading every line. Will comment little by little, whenever I have a little time to spare.
Melanie continues to have trouble dealing with working extra hours to support Lindsay taking care of what Mel believes the world sees as Linds and Brian's baby. Linds may be putting up a happy front and playing the put upon partner, but this viewer can't forget that for all Lindsay's seemingly indulgent, accommodating manner, she refused Mel's only request. It's also very easy to be the "nice one" when everything is going your way.
What I hate about Lindsay is that she is so phony! If things were that bad, she could have told her friends she was unable to throw their baby shower because of personal matter. I’m on Mel’s side on this one. However, she could have accepted Mel’s offer to see a therapist, even though I don’t think it would work.
Was mostly bored by the baby shower, but believe this was the intention.
I hate baby showers, wedding showers, always find a way to not to go. They bore me to tears.
Was still slightly amused by the way Mel chats up the only unpartnered woman by way of making a derisive comment about the woman's best friend. Seems sticking her foot in her mouth at social gatherings is a regular thing with Melanie.
That Marianne woman was the most interesting person in that shower. About Melanie, a few episodes ago, at the GLC art exhibition, she told David that Michael was had a crush on Brian. What a big mouth. By the way, in that event I was very surprised to hear Melanie say that she thought David was with Brian, not with Michael. What??????? Since when Brian hangs out with older men?? Helloooooo!
Must mention that as much of an irritating yawn the shower was, we do get some nice close ups of Gus. And as Gus is one cute baby, this alone makes me grateful the baby shower took place.
I thought that was someone else’s baby. That was a completely different baby from previous episodes, and I don’t think that’s not the baby Mel hold when she was leaving Lindsay. Well, the real baby fest will take place in episode 115. There will be many all different from one another.
Perhaps it's the nonstop complaining that's causing Lindsay to withhold her affections. Not taking Linds side here, as her wheedling and dithering led to this state of affairs. But after having allowed herself to give into Lindsay's demands, Mel is refusing to live with decisions she herself made.
I agree. It seems that Melanie can’t get over the fact that Lindsay is home spending time with the baby (and doing all the house chores, even though we see Melanie vacuuming the carpets in the last episodes). I wonder if Mel thinks it’s easy taking care of a baby. I never had one but I hear it’s hard work, especially when you are breastfeeding and has to clean, cook, shop for groceries. No wonder Lindsay is tired.
The scene depicting Mel guiltily creeping up the stairs to Lindsay alternating with flashbacks of the sexual liason causing her remorse, is inspired.
Extremely well directed, I love that scene too. This episode is full of great direction moments.
Mel and Lindsay's discussion is intercut with glimpses of Melanie's one night stand in what appears to be a pretty good if brief lesbian sex scene. But not being into lesbians myself, I can't fully appreciate Mel and Marianne's efforts.
I hate Mel and Lind’s sex scenes, not convincing enough for me. But Mel and Marianne scene was pretty hot.
Toward the end we get more similarities coming together as both Lindsay and Marianne ask Mel if she is alright/okay. But after a hopeful joining of hands, the scene ends with Mel leaving her and Lindsay's bedroom to sleep elsewhere.
I don’t understand when Mel says she’s gonna sleep in the guest room. Since when they have a guest room? When Justin spent the night in 108, he slept in the couch. In Season 5, when Emmett moves in for a while, he also slept in the couch. How come a guest room magically appears in their house?
Both women are shot in full body profile. And Mel doesn't actually get specific about her "crime", only saying something happened. Lindsay wordlessly and physically backs away as she correctly fills in the blanks in a manner more touching than words could convey. The girls part sadly, walking away in opposite directions.
Another wonderfully directed scene. I have to say, I’ve never seen a more unattractive pair of women’s shoes in my life. Lindsay never looked so frumpy, but I think this is part of the plot. She looks tired and annoyed, that translated into her frumpiness. Mel is wearing a fabulous leather jacket though.
I would feel more regret over the demise of this union if I wasn't so overcome with irritation at the pointlessness of it all. Melanie goes on and on about how everything's wrong when in fact, the couple only has a few problems that have been blown out of proportion. And the problems they do have were created by Mel and Linds themselves, a detail that neither woman seems willing to acknowledge.
I don’t think not having sex is something so serious to make couples think they have a problem. Sex is just one of many things in a marriage.
These women don't have any gigantic problems that couldn't be resolved with Mel owning up to her mistakes and Lindsay bending a little bit. And for all the drama, this viewer still doesn't see what all the fuss is about. If this is all it takes to break up Melanie and Lindsay, one wonders how they lasted as long as they did.
Yes, if their relationships is so fragile, they just give up at the slightest problem, they shouldn’t be a couple in the first place. We know they love each other (well, Lindz loves Mel as much as she can). Lindsay seemed to be willing to forgive Mel for cheating, but Melanie couldn’t forgive herself.
"If Justin wants golden gardenias, he should have golden gardenias!" Brian Kinney
Thank you Golden-Gardenia,
Yes, Lindsay should have agreed to Mel wanting to see a therapist. Also think that it wouldn't have done any good, at least the therapy itself wouldn't. But for Lindsay to make the effort would have meant a great deal to Mel, who would have appreciated the gesture. And in that way, seeing a therapist probably would have helped.
Baby showers are lose, lose. A boring party attended out of obligation with the intention of getting money and supplies from the captive audience.
I think Brian would be with an older man if he was attractive enough. And in a later episode Brian does find David pretty hot before he knows who he is.
Don't pay much attention to the different babies on screen. Shows often need multiple babies because of the long and odd shooting hours. And the babies themselves grow so fast and change so much, they can look very different in a matter of days, particularly near newborns. Have to say that first season Gus was always cute, no matter how many infants occupied the role.
It's possible that Mel thinks Lindsay has it easier than she does. But I think that a lot of Mel's tiredness comes from the feeling that she's doing all this for a child she never gets to see, and the burden of being a legal nobody in her own home.
The scenes of Mel's one night stand and the resulting breakup are extremely well written and directed with great care. The women in this show were almost always given the c plots and what seemed to be the leftover stories. But in this outing, Mel and Linds got their share of attention. Too bad this was a very rare thing.
Mel does make too big a deal about lack of sex, but I think she also felt that Lindsay refused even to discuss Mel's misgivings about the state of their relationship.
It is hard to believe that before we met them, these woman had been together for years. And yet they fight over practically nothing and break up over an indiscretion that the injured party seems willing to overlook. It's like the couple was hell bent on finding an excuse to part ways.
Forgot to mention Mel and Lindsay's phantom guest room earlier. Think that Justin was sleeping on the couch because it served the need to have Justin, Mel, Linds, and later Brian all in the same room. That wouldn't happen if Justin was up in a guest bedroom. The same goes for the scene with Emmett, Ted and Melanie years later, although Emmett may have only been taking a nap on the couch. But the guest room did exist. We even get a look at it when Emmett takes a man up there while he's staying with the women. This is the scene where the guy howls like a wolf, waking everyone up.
Forgot to mention Mel and Lindsay's phantom guest room earlier. Think that Justin was sleeping on the couch because it served the need to have Justin, Mel, Linds, and later Brian all in the same room. That wouldn't happen if Justin was up in a guest bedroom.
Justin slept on their couch in 108 (when Brian brout home that Hotlanta guy) Brian never went there, he was not in that scene. Lindsay called him on the phone.
The same goes for the scene with Emmett, Ted and Melanie years later, although Emmett may have only been taking a nap on the couch.
Emmett moved in with them. I believe he was sleeping on the couch every night. In Season 5 Justin mentions that he couldn't believe Mel and Lindz were splitting up. They provided him with a couch to crash on when he and Brian had some kind of fight Another thing, when Leda moved (to renovate their attic making it into a studio for Lindsay)in she also slept on the couch (there's a scene where Leda undressed in the living room and Lindsay was peeking)
Emmett's fondness for Streisand concerts might not be shared with his friends, but an interest and familiarity with gay pornography is.
Emmett seems to be the gayest gay in Pittsburgh. Streisand and Judy Garland are so cliché! In Season 3 he will mention (and portray) Lana Turner! I think Michael mentions Bette Middler in 110, who is also a gay icon. I believe Brian mentions Liza Minelli, can’t remember when.
And it is to this end that we happen upon one of those coincidences so common in tv land, in which Emmett's favorite porn star is doing a play in their town. And with a plan to somehow enlist Zach O Tool to bring Emmett back to gaydom, Ted and Michael take a trip to the theater that is silly but still oh so fun.
Only in TV Land, really. Michael and Ted are walking on the street, pick a flyer, ten minutes later, they are in the audience of the play!
Was comically pleased that the play was just as one would expect a play with a porn star lead in a gay venue to be like. Love how mesmerized Ted was by Zach's performance.
Especially because we know Ted has a refined taste for opera, the symphony, the fine arts. Well, he’s crazy about porn too. The whole audience was male. I spotted one or two men who have been regulars in the show, especially in Babylon.
Was disappointed to get only three real d*#k shots and not the twelve horny men the title promised. But in a world where film and television is run almost exclusively for and by straight men, beggars can't be choosers.
I laughed when Zack took off his paint. Is that a d*ck or is that a d*ck???
Couldn't help but notice however, the frosty breath of everyone in what would become a common sight in qaf outdoor scenes.
I know, it’s like it’ss always winter. One thing I noticed is that throughout the 5 seasons, they never celebrate Christmas, Thanksgiving or any other holiday. The only mention to Christmas was in Season 4 when Deb throws a Christmas party off season as a tribute to Vic, who had just died.
All the interaction between Michael, Ted, and Emmett has become contentious and uncomfortable. Which is all the more strange because Michael and Ted are both closer to Emmett than they are to each other.
I think it’s so strange that Ted paid 1.000 dollars to Zack O’Toole. Isn’t that a lot of money to throw away? And did Michael even offer to chip in? I think that’s a lot of money to spend on a friend, don’t you think?
So seeing them lined up together on the opposing side of Emmett is disconcerting. Noticed that Emmett's mention of the "See the Light" group by name got an instant reaction from both men, indicating the organization is well known in their circle.
We have some of those here in Brazil. They are entering in politics, running for public offices. Our LGBT community is very worried with this advance.
Not a fan of Ted and Michael's reactions of anger and outrage over Emmett having seen the light. Ted's hostile accusatory attacks on Emmett's new friends and Michael comparing the organization to Jonestown , made it impossible for Emmett to do anything but deny the accusations and defend his new choices.
I agree, but what else they could have done? Supported Emmett? Who supports a friend who is clearly going against his own self because of a stupid promise to god? I would feel I was losing a friend forever. As they would have nothing more in common, there would be no point in continuing the friendship with him.
But had Emmett succumbed to the charms of Mr. O Tool, it wouldn't necessarily bring him back to his former happy homosexual self. More than likely, giving in would only make Emmett more miserable and angry at his own weak willed inability to resist falling back into his old habits. His distress might even have been so extreme as to make Emmett a danger to himself. So regardless of the outcome, Ted's attempt at using temptation to lure his friend back was ill wise and potentially devastating.
I agree, but they’ve known Emmett for a long time, I think they thought they knew what they were doing. They had no idea Emmett had been brainwashed.
Matt really doesn't look all that happy either, and makes you wonder who he was before he saw the light.
Probably happy.
"If Justin wants golden gardenias, he should have golden gardenias!" Brian Kinney
Maybe Mel and Lindsay's guestroom is seldom used at that. But still say Emmett used it at least once, as he did take "the wolf man" up there.
Ted does have as much of a taste for porn as he does opera. And this ability to have multiple interests that are the same is how this group of men are able to be friends. Being gay is only part of what bonds them all together.
Ted is the one who blurted out that he'd pay a thousand dollars on his own without consulting anyone. Why should Michael have to help pay for Ted's stupid outburst?
The actor's often talked about the eternal winter after season two. And think they pointedly avoided doing any kind of holiday shows for some unknown reason.
How can gay to straight conversion groups run for office in Brazil? What exactly would their platform be?
I don't know if it would be possible, but Ted and Michael might have objected to Emmett's conversion ideas in a slightly less strident manner.
Maybe Mel and Lindsay's guestroom is seldom used at that. But still say Emmett used it at least once, as he did take "the wolf man" up there.
Yes, the wolf man! I had forgotten about that! In my mind, Emmett was in Lindsay's studio in the attic. We'll check that when we get to Season 4.
And this ability to have multiple interests that are the same is how this group of men are able to be friends. Being gay is only part of what bonds them all together.
I think being gay is the number one reason they are friends, but other than that, I think their differentces help: one is mostly sensitive, one is mostly uptight, one is mostly flamboyant, one is mostly "slut". And of course there are intersections: slut/flamboyant, intellectual/porn lover, and so on. They are a foursome, but closer two by two (Brian-Michael, Emmett-Ted). They have a "sex in the city" thing going on.
Ted is the one who blurted out that he'd pay a thousand dollars on his own without consulting anyone.
Ted's offer was at the same time the stupidest thing I've ever heard and the sweetest proof of real friendship. Funny that Ted and Emmet were not so close in the earlier episodes. I think the writers decided to make them closer around episode 11.
The actor's often talked about the eternal winter after season two. And think they pointedly avoided doing any kind of holiday shows for some unknown reason.
I have a feeling that they avoided doing holiday episodes because of all the sentimental family stuff they would have to deal with. Especially Brian. I've always fantasized a Christmas or Thanksgiving meal in this show would be like dinner at Deb's in Episode 206 (when Deb said Brian and Justin were acting like newly weds). Or when Deb offered dinner to that Senator candidate. In both occasions they were all there, like family having such a wonderful time!
How can gay to straight conversion groups run for office in Brazil? What exactly would their platform be?
There's this crazy psychologist woman here whose life goal is to be able to practice what she calls "Christian psychology" in Brazil. She wants psychologists have the right to cure gay people who seeks therapy for leaving homosexuality. After a long struggle with justice, she lost her psychology licence and it was decided that psychologists who want to use religion in their professional practices cannot be called psychologists and can be sued and have their licences revoked if there's a claim against them. This outcome was due to a national mobilization of LGBT social movements. Well, now that she is not allowed to excercise psychology anymore, she decided to run for Congress, so she can resume her intentions from a more powerful insider political position. Unfortunately in the past two decades the number of fundamentalist religious leaders have been elected (mostly by the power of their churches) to the Congress and we have all kinds of crimes against secularization being committed. Brazil is a secular state, but these nuts are taking over. Being an activist for sexual diversity and gender equality, my work have been particularly affected by these conservative nuts. They have been stopping any government action to include sexual education in schools and also any action intended to reduce homophobia in schools. Even gender was affected. They managed to convince their voters that gender equality will destroy traditional godly families. These are the people who are voting for the crazy homophobic psychologist.
If Justin wants golden gardenias, he should have golden gardenias! Brian Kinney
reply to Golden-Gardenia
Yes it's best to wait til season four to see where Emmett is staying in Mel and Linds place. It will be interesting to see if either of us remembers to check.
I guess Ted and Emmett had to be closer by default. It's not like Brian or Michael could have two best friends. So it would have been a waste to just have Ted and Emmett sitting around waiting for Michael or Melanie to pay them some attention.
I always wondered if they avoided Christmas and Thanksgiving because everybody did them. Still, as they filmed so much in fall and winter, those holidays must have been all around them in the real world. I never lamented the lack of a qaf Christmas, but think they could have done a great job with Halloween.
From what you say, Brazil appears to be becoming a very scary place for homosexuals right now. We have right wingers trying to take over the country here too. They use abortion and the fear of gay marriage as part of their platform, but they're actually more interested in taking all the money from the poor and giving it to the rich. Most of your religious nuts sound like true believers. How does a show like qaf go over there. Sounds almost like it might be a bit of a risk to admit you've ever seen it.
From what you say, Brazil appears to be becoming a very scary place for homosexuals right now. We have right wingers trying to take over the country here too. They use abortion and the fear of gay marriage as part of their platform, but they're actually more interested in taking all the money from the poor and giving it to the rich. Most of your religious nuts sound like true believers. How does a show like qaf go over there.
Apparently we are living in the same country with different names. Fortunately we have a very vocal human rights part of the population here. We are trying to pass a bill to classify gay/transsexual murder as a hate crime, but conservative right wingers are fighting it with all their power. Next week we'll be electing the new president. The one who is in office (trying re-election) is a woman from a left wing party. The other is a right wing playboy who wants to benefit bankers and corporations. They are very close in the surveys. I'm hoping for the re-election of our current president.
Sounds almost like it might be a bit of a risk to admit you've ever seen it.
We had our first gay kiss in television history only about 6 months ago. I have many many gay friends and try to support them as much as I can, especially in my work as a researcher of sexual diversity. Hope!
shareWas confused or thrown by a number of things in this story line. Was quite distracted by Brian's hair, which surely was purposely made to appear expensively styled. But the hair is over styled here to the point that it's all you see. The distraction of Brian's hair so great, I sometimes had to reverse the remote to go back and listen to what was being said.
Really? I din’t notice Brian’s hair. I’ll have to watch it again, it didn’t distract me at all.
But here Kip practically has to put his hands down Brian's pants before Mr. Kinney gets the message.
I guess you’re right. But maybe Brian noticed but being, a professional situation, didn’t act on it?
And what of Kip? The man is said to be genuinely talented, yet when he comes across a fellow gay man he throws this away in favor of favoritism and lawsuits to get what he wants. And what does Kip want, money?
Kip seems to be the kind of guy who steals other people’s ideas. I think he was brilliant the first time just by accident, a fluke. Saw an opportunity and grabbed it. He’s not that talented after all.
Did this guy really go all the way through college and get employment in an advertising outfit just in the hope of finding someone to aid his career in exchange for favors, sexual or otherwise. Was this planned or did Kip completely alter the course of his work path just because he got wind of another gay man in the company?
I know, that’s quite strange. The first time we see him, he says some boss sent him to learn the trade from Brian. Later he says he lied, it was his idea. So, maybe he’s so ambitious that in a short time working for the firm, he thought he’d would go nowhere (sort of a generation Y sort of guy). So, he heard Brian had power and he was gay. So he plotted to work with Brian, hoping that Brian would help him to get ahead (no pun intended!) because he is gay too.
But whether by caprice or design, Kip's move on Brian does lead to a very hot sex scene. And the scene in question gets rolling quickly as Brian locks the office door, closes the blinds, and relieves Kip of his shirt in rapid succession.
That scene does nothing for me. Besides, who take all their clothes off to have sex in the office? That’s unreal. Reality would be taking the “puppy for a walk”, nothing else. When Brian had sex with that client in the bathroom, I think he didn’t take any piece of clothes off. You don’t need to take off all your clothes to have casual office sex. Was a little bothered by this as it was just too much. Realize that sweat is to be expected during rigorous sex, and that it's part and parcel of any qaf sex scene. But this amount of perspiration usually involves an extra long tennis match played at the height of summer, or the hot lights of a major music concert.
Throughout this encounter there was a profuse amount of sweat rolling off both men.
Yes, I could do without that.
Also not wild about the overly contrived falling exacto knife that sticks itself in the carpet.
Yes, it falls on the floor, to be back on the glass table in the following shot.
Kip asking Brian about his rent and stating "Not for long.", about his insufficient funds seemed like annoying bragging or cockiness on first viewing. But in hindsight it's clear that Kip already believes himself to be in Brian's favor to an unrealistic degree.
The only thing I like about this QAF storyline is the sweetness of Justin asking Brian to go to the Babylon with him. That was one of the sweetest B/J moments in my opinion. Justin looks so cut and childish and playful. I love Justin!
Have to take a moment here to point out that Brian has sex with Kip twice or two separate occasions. Early in the second season Brian will make a statement concerning his tricks that they are "Never old, Never the same ones twice."
Exactly. I think this rule of not having sex with the same trick twice is something Brian likes to say, but it’s not real. He says he has 25 tricks a month, so in one year he would have 300 trick. That’s unbelievable and unrealistic even if he had had sex with all gay men in Pittsburgh.
But some fans, apparently insecure about the relationship of their favorite couple as it appears in canon, and looking to cling to anything additional that suggests Justin is special to Brian, jump on this quote like white on rice.
You’ve got a good point.
The boy's peek at Kip, which will be so significant later, works just as well here as random adolescent curiosity.
This is something I can’t buy. Justin couldn’t see Kip’s face from where he was standing. He only saw the back of Kip’s head. It wouldn’t be impossible to recognize Kip later.
If Justin wants golden gardenias, he should have golden gardenias! Brian Kinney
The bit about Brian not knowing that Kip was making advances really doesn't jibe with what we know of Brian, even in a professional setting. Remember his remark to the married client in the bathroom about always knowing? However, when Kip is coming on to Brian, he does pause for a minute as though he's (Brian) picking up on Kip's intentions but for some reason decides he must be mistaken.
I don't think it was intended that Kip be seen as one who steals others ideas or gets lucky once. Suppose that might be a possibility, but see no evidence of either flaw. But must say if this were how Kip operated, it would certainly makes his later actions of trying to latch onto Brian and the lawsuit more plausible.
Not sure what a generation Y guy is, but it sounds like one who thinks they deserve everything right now. And if this be the case, Kip's targeting of another gay man with the hope, actually more like the conviction, that people of like habit should help each other, is a bit more believable. But still think the lawsuit was a difficult action to swallow.
Though I still think the office sex scene is hot, agree that it is unrealistic for both men to be fully nude for an office encounter. Perhaps as Kip had a good body, they wanted to take the opportunity to show it off. With all the gratuitus female nudity that has permeated the screen for so long, I'm not about to complain when the rare male form comes along, even if said nude men aren't really warranted. On the other hand, the scene in ep 102 with Brian and the client in the bathroom is a better sex scene. And in that case the furtive actions and realism of most of the clothing staying on has a lot to do with why this is so.
Brian only makes the claim that he never does the same ones twice, on one occasion. On the other hand, there are countless times that Brian proves the falseness of his words in both deeds and other conflicting statements. But despite several statements and actions refuting this one lone declaration, many of the "Justin is so special because he's the only trick Brian's does twice" creed, deliberately choose to clutch tightly to the one, and ignore the many.
Always thought that it was to be assumed that Justin got a better look at Kip than was clear to the viewer. And believe that anything that made it more obvious that Justin was getting a good look at Kip, might have given too much away at that point.
Though I like this story more than you do, I agree that Justin and his playful boyish attitude is one of the best things about it.
Didn't find the Schulman shoe all that hideous. But did feel that Brian's black tie with a red rectangular outline was rather unsightly.
It’s a little country club preppy for my taste, but not that hideous, I agree.
Brian gives the second, and possibly last mention we ever get of P Town. Was always bothered that so little attention was given to a very important gay vacation destination. But Brian does let us know that the group goes there often.
Yes, I got that feeling too. I think more than one gay vacation destination was mentioned in the show: P-Town and Miami(where the white party takes place). Is Palm Springs and South Beach gay vacation destinations too? I got that feeling when they were mentioned. They never mentioned Key West though. I guess that’s major, isn’t it?
Admit not knowing a lot about lesbians. But if they have no use for men sexually, why do they use dildos in their encounters so often? Or is this another inaccuracy from a mostly male group of writers?
I’d like to know that too. The dildo thing seems totally inappropriate for people who do not enjoy the real thing. Even if it’s used as a toy.
This is the second Debbie-less episode in a row. No David this time either.
I like when David is not around and we see that Michael has a life of his own, not revolving around his partner all the time (well, that’s gonna change a little).
Then there seems to be another partial cast change and discrepancy in numbers between the time the men rise and when they stand up and disrobe.
The thing I love most about this scene is to see so many gorgeous men naked! I have to admit that! [smile]
So I say again to anyone who claims Brian never did the same ones twice, you are wrong.
Agree. Brian fools himself thinking that, but it’s totally unreal.
It's true that the christian religion in general tends to oppose homosexuality, sometimes to the point of virulent hostility. But doubt that many black Christian churches are active in organized homo to hetero conversion efforts.
Unfortunately that happens in Brazil too. It’s been happening for the past 30 years with the emergence of neopentecostal Christian churches. We are in the middle of presidential elections season here and all these nuts can talk about is preventing gays to be able to get married and to cure homosexuality. Actually, it is not official, but gays can get married here since 2011. No notary office can refuse to marry people of the same sex. But this is not official, as it is for hetero couples.
As Melanie is saying goodbye to Gus, he is wearing the first in a series of baby hats that some viewers find absurd but I find adorable. This one is a long green tapered cap with a slight knotted accent near the pointed end. Think is makes Gus look like a baby elf.
You noticed that too?? Hahaha! [laugh] I’ve been saying that for years. I think years ago I read something about the woman who knitted those hats for Gus. Apparently she is relative to someone in the crew. The hats are adorable, but apparently Lindsay has an obsession for those hats. I hope the knitter had some profit from the exposure of her hat designs!
Finally, I finished commenting on your review of 113. 114 is next! [smile]
"If Justin wants golden gardenias, he should have golden gardenias!" Brian Kinney [love9]
reply to Golden-Gardenia 17:53:26
South Beach, Miami and Key West have sizable permanent gay populations. But those destinations, Miami and Key West anyway, are also popular vacation spots for gay couples as well as heterosexual couples and families. Province town aka P-town, is different in that the majority of visitors are gay or lesbian. Though lately more straight people are vacationing there, to the irritation of some.
It would be nice if one or more lesbians, or someone who knows a lesbian enough to know of such things, would weigh in on the dildo question.
Yes, no David this time. Always liked seeing the characters as individuals outside their relationships, not just Michael but Brian and Justin as well.
There just can't be to many shots of attractive naked men.
Good to hear that someone besides myself likes the baby hats Gus sports. Usually people say nothing or make fun of all the caps. But I loved them, even looking forward to what Gus would be wearing next. Never knew about the woman who made the hats. Wonder if she got a screen credit.
If Justin wants golden gardenias, he should have golden gardenias! Brian Kinney
If Justin wants golden gardenias, he should have golden gardenias! Brian Kinney