How can anyone really 'like' this movie?
I don't get it. If I were 18 or 21 I would probably really love this movie. But I'm not. I'm older and I've seen many movies like this in so many different languages. They're all the same. Nothing original here.
The only thing worth mentioning in the movie is the different voices in the tape. That was really good, and creepy too. Other than that, I liked the way they didn't add over the top special effects and soundtracks, and the way the characters were kept very minimum and the conversations realistic.
But the ending, oh please, very cliche and predictable, nothing special. The way they revealed who's "responsible" seemed rushed and lame.
I understand why people who like gore movies might hate this movie, but I'm not even a fan of gore. I just don't think this is a good movie and can't understand people who call this movie a "classic", "masterpiece", etc etc. The movie isn't bad, it's just average, that's all it is. Thoughts?