DVD Release (not the movie)

anyone pick this up yet? It was just released... http://www.amazon.com/dp/B001GZ6Q1K/?tag=amazon-products-20


Yes, I just saw it today.


Have Just seen it.

Excellent. Well worth seeing

You're an errand boy, sent by grocery clerks, to collect a bill


I think clips of this might also be on Youtube.


Had to watch the original interviews before watching the theatrical film
for the proper context. ksf-2 has posted somewhere on these boards about the original interviews that the comment President Nixon made about ' if the President does it, it's not illegal' is not contained on the 2 disc dvd re-release. However, words to the effect perhaps paraphrased are made by the President somewhere on the second disc. This is quite a set of interviews, a bit pricey, but history is expensive. More expensive if no one pays attention to it.


and worth the time if you have it. ksf-2 said it was an entertaining hour and a half...those comments are upon the dvd re-release which is near seven hours...perhaps there was a loss of interest...


Nixon looked like a saint in this interview.
