1991 Royal Rumble Review
Next in line to be reviewed is a personal favorite of mine. The 1991 Royal Rumble. I distinctly remember this being the very first WWF ppv I ever watched. I didn't order it I picked up the rental a few months later. It's still one of my favorite Rumbles and I liked it more than 1992 overall.
Gorilla Monsoon and Rowdy Roddy Piper are the commentators from the Miami Arena.
There were three replacements this year. Andre The Giant was scheduled for it, don't understand that decision since his health was so bad he retired the year before. *beep* Tonk Man and Playboy Buddy Rose (super jobber at this point) were scheduled but left the company like a week before the event. There replacements would be Tito Santana, Greg The Hammer Valentine and Shane Douglas. I can understand the rookie Douglas being classified an alternate but they DARE put Tito and Hammer in that category???
Don't understand why he wasn't in the Rumble but Nasty Boy Sagss got stuck in a dark match against Sam Houston which he won. Where the hell did Houston come from? He hadn't been seen for atleast a year and a half on any wrestling shows. Also the debute/return of Jacques Rougeu AKA The Mountie Vs Koko B Ware was cut from the Coliseum Video release.
Match #1
The Rockers Vs The Orient Express w Mr Fuji
These two teams were great together but were frequently jobbed out to the roid ragers because they were only 6'1 at most and under the 220lb mark. By this point Kato had taken over Sato's spot on the Orient Express team. Express get the early advantage when Fuji knocks Marty off the top rope and Shawn gets one insane backdrop that was atleast 12 feet in the air!!! Jannetty in and he dropkicks Kato out then crescent kicks Tanaka. Rockers double team slam Tanaka and while the Express are outside regrouping the Rockers suicide dive onto them. Jannetty and Kato start off and go through a series of maneuvers that make the crowd oohh. Marty bridges out of a pinfall attempt but then gets suckered into the corner. Doesn't work so well as Jannetty takes down Tanaka and works him over. Shawn in and he takes down Tanaka with a firemans carry and works the arm. Shawn knocks Tanaka down with a shoulder block and they run the ropes with the outcome being Tanaka nailing Shawn with that flying fist maneuver he used at Mania 6. Tanaka with the headlock working on Shawn. Tanaka tries a blind tag but it goes astray and they are acting like the bumbling heels tonight. Shawn back to the headlock. Michaels with a sleeper but Kato ain't letting that slide as he comes off the second rope with a chop to the back of the head. Shawn tries kicking Tanaka but Tanaka uses a sweet legsweep to take him down. Shawns in deep snot now as Tanaka knuckles him in the face Shawn gets fed up and starts beating on Tanaka in the corner. Kato tries to help out but Shawn moonsaults off the top rope and everybody is in there. It's a wild match as Rockers and Express go through another very well done choreography that should make alot of wrestler feel ashamed. Jannetty works a headlock on Kato then Shawn is back in and hits a slightly delayed vertical suplex. Shawn gets caught in a kickass double team stun gun by the Express!!! While the ref is distracted Fuji hits Shawn in the throat with his cane and the crowd boos like hell. Shawn getting hammered at this point. After 2 minutes of weardowns Shawn gets up and tries whipping Kato to the corner but Shawn gets fired in and does a Ric Flair flip to the outside apron and Tanaka follows up with a martial arts kick to knock Shawn back inside. Orient Express try using Kato's belt to clothesline Michaels but Michaels does a flying press onto the belt making both Express collide into eachother. Marty hottags and goes nuts on everyone. Powerslam for Kato but no three count. Kato misses a clothesline and Marty tries a backslide but Tanaka kicks him in Kato's favor but only a two count. ALOT of close two counts here, it's fast paced. Rockers try a rocket launcher but Tanaka interferes and sends Shawn spilling to the floor. Kato slingshots Marty into a Tanaka knife edge. They try it a second time but Shawn interferes and Marty gets slingshot into a sunset flip on Tanaka and scores the pin at 19:15!!! Holy s*** what a match!!! Still stands the test of time and probably the Rockers best match ever. I wanna go 4 1/2 stars.
This match was too much for the crowd because they had to do the Raw segment early on. This weeks time filler is Queen Sherri coming out to issue a public challenge to the World Champion Ultimate Warrior. She want's Warrior to accept the Macho Kings challenge. She goes through a risque routine that while no big fart today was definatley provocotive and a little suggestive. End result Warrior tells her NNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! Then walks off. Macho runs out and is LOOSING HIS MIND! Sherri is bent out of shape to say the least.
Match #2
The Big Bossman Vs The Barbarian w Bobby The Brain Heenan
Bossman is in the middle of his feud with the Heenan family because of Bobby cracking wise on his mama.
Well don't expect it to be nearly as good as the opening match. It's not their fault how do you follow that? Bossman controls early knocking Barbarian out of the ring. Barbarian catches Bossman with a vertical suplex. Barbarian with a bearhug. Bossman breaks it with headbutts but gets knocked down again. Barbra tries a pin but only 2. Both guys knock eachother down and it's a who can get up before 10. Bossman lost too much weight, looks like his shirt is 2 sizes too big, must be a shirt from 1988. Bossman catches Barbarian with a stun gun and almost gets the win if not for a foot on the ropes. Bossman whips him into the ropes and they colide. Barbarian up first and he hits a flying clothesline off the top rope. But Bossman touches the ropes this time. Barbarian irish whips him but Bossman counters with the Bossman slam. BBM tries a pin but Barbarian gets a middle finger on the ropes. Barbarian hits a sloppy piledriver then goes up top for a high cross body but Bossman roles it over and gets the pin at 8:48. Not bad. Im going 2 1/2 stars. Just felt a little short, but the action was good. Wiki lists the time at 14 minutes but it was only about 8 on the CV video release. They could of saved that dumn Raw segment for a superstars episode and gave more video tape to this match and add Koko/Mountie.
Warrior and Slaughter get their interview time.
World Wrestling Federation Championship Match
The Ultimate Warrior Vs Sgt Slaughter w General Adnad
The heels try attacking Warrior but he runs through the Iraqi flag and breaks it in half then tears it up. Crowd going looney as Warrior kicks the s*** out of Slaughter while Adnad leaves. Warrior force feeds Sgt his dewrag then chokes him with the flag pole. Warrior knocks Sgt out of the ring and Sherri is now at ringside just looking to cause trouble. Back inside Warrior is pummeling Sgt until Sherri grabs his leg. Warrior chases her back to the entrance way and the Macho King ambushes Warrior!!! Macho comes flying at him with one of those studio lights on a post and slams it into his back and Savage takes off. Ref doesn't see any of this as Sgt had him tied up. Sgt breaks the count giving Warrior time to crawl back. Sgt works the back and puts on a bearhug. Warrior breaks it and slams Slaughter but hurts his back. Sgt up first and he hits a rib breaker then puts on a camel clutch with Warrior hanging halfway out of the ring. Ref breaks it and Slaughter celebrates like and idiot. Warrior starts Warrioring up and pummels Slaughter. Sherri is back and she gets involved again. Savage comes back to ringside and Warrior press slams her out of the ring onto Savage on the floor. Sgt with a knee into the back then he distracts the ref while Savage breaks the sceptor on Warriors head. Slaughter pulls him off the ropes and drops a simple elbow and scores the pin at 12:48. NEW WORLD CHAMPION!!! Crowd is ready to burn down Miami Arena. If it was an ECW crowd they probably would give it their best try. Im going 2 stars. Whatever there was of a regular match was barely mediocre. Savage and Sherri and all the other interference pushes up the grade.
Tag Team Match
The Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiasie and Virgil Vs Dusty and Dustin Rhodes
Ever since August 90 Dusty has been getting the short end of the stick in the feuds. Embarrassed at Summerslam 90, lost at Survivor Series 90 and this would be the final match in the Dibiasie/Dusty feud. By this time they are really pushing the abusive employer angle with Dibiasie abusing Virgil for the past two or three months. Dibiasie and Virgil try jumping the Rhodes but they turn it around. Virgil and Dustin start but Dustin knocks Virgil outside. Dibiasie browbeats him, back inside he gets chased out again. Ted abuses him some more than says he will show em how it's done. Dibiasie takes control with a knee to the midsection then drops Dustin with a clothesline. Dibiasie goes for a backdrop but Dustin pounds his head to the mat then he gets knocked outside. Dusty throws him back in. Dusty in and he goes elbow combo on Dibiasie, slaps on a sleeper but Virgil breaks it up. Dustin in and he hits a dropkick and a 2 count. Dustin tries irishwhipping Virgil to the corner and following with a high knee but Virgil dives out of the way and Dustin blows his knee on the turnbuckle. All downhill from here for the Rhodes. Virgil works the leg, smacking it on the ringpost. Dibiasie in and they work the leg for a few moments. They try a double team and Virgil punches Ted by mistake so Dibiasie gives him an ass kicking and throws him out of the ring giving Dustin time to tag. Dusty in and he ends up getting pinned on a rollup by Dibiaise after a blind charge into the corner at around 9:37. Dusty immediatley goes to Dustins aid and that's the last we would see of either Rhodes for a few years. Both on to bigger and better things in WCW. Dibiasie celebrates by knocking the Rhodes then humiliates Virgil, calling him an idiot and tells him to get his million $ belt and put it on his waist. Virgil drops it in the ring and the crowd cheers. Dibiasie brings up Virgils past and Virgil breaks down and picks up the belt. Classic moment as some goof in the audience throws a cup of soda at Dibiasie and it splatters on him and Ted doesn't even flinch, you can see in that same moment one of the WWF's ghestapo run to the left probably tasering the guy and dragging him out in handcuffs. Classic moment as Virgil takes the belt and PASTES Dibiasie with it!!! Crowd goes nuts!!! Biggest pop so far tonight. The match was standard but for the Virgil face turn ill say 3 stars.
Next up Tugboat, Smash, Dino Bravo, Crush, Mr Perfect and Hulk Hogan give interviews on the Rumble. Hogan kinda screws up his.
1991 Royal Rumble
Once Again Bret Hart draw #1, and at #2 it's Dino Bravo. They go through a warmup match and Bret tries eliminating Dino on occassion. #3 is Greg The Hammer Valentine who is at this moment a bit of a tweener. He dumped Jimmy Hart at a house show after Hart cost him a match only days before. Hammer attacks Dino who looks suprised, then they go into a chopfest. Hammer rams Dino's head into the corner then dumps him out, that was a little unexpected. #4 is Paul Roma, he helps Hammer beat on Bret, then he attacks Hammer and they go at it while Bret hangs back. Bret gives them a noggin knocker. #5 is the Texas Tornado, who can run pretty good on a prosthetic foot. Turns into a texas tornado match. Bret slams Roma but misses that elbow off the second rope. Roma dropkicks Tornado then saves Valentine from Bret. #6 is Rick Martel. Martel tries eliminating Bret but that doesn't work so he tries eliminating his former Survivor Series partner Paul Roma. Bret almost gets Martel out but Roma makes the save. Martel showboats and Roma drops him. #7 is Samba Simba. He attacks everybody. Martel in trouble again and again. Tornado puts the claw on Roma. #8 is Bushwhacker Butch he marches around the ring until Greg says fk this and chops him and they go at it. Simba tries dumping Martel but they both go over and Martel scoots back in while Simba falls out. #9 is Jake The Snake Roberts and the place errupts. Jake goes snakes*** on Martel and gives him a gut buster then a short clotheslien and tries a ddt but Martel runs outside like a pussy. Hammer drops some elbows on Jake who fends Valentine off then attacks Martel on the apron who is dicking around with the refs about being outside. Jake tries biting his hands to knock him off but Martel went THROUGH the ropes not over the top so it shouldn't count anyway. #10 is Hercules and he saves Roma from elimination then they highfive. Martel and Bret trying to eliminate Martel then Valentine scoops both guys up and they are tetering then in a funny possibly non scripted moment Jake charges in and almost knocks Bret and Martel out prematurely? You can hear Bret yell whoah then he points at Jake afterwards. Jake in trouble and Roma goes for a flying cross body and sails out of the ring.
#11 is Tito Santana. Now that's continuity. 2 years after the Strike Force falling out and Tito is still trying to gouge out Martels eyes. #12 is the Undertaker and it's big trouble for everybody. First victim he picks up Bret by the throat and dumps him out. Tornado deals some heavy right hands but Taker drops him with a single shot then chokes the life out of him. #13 is Superfly Jimmy Snuka. Tito and Valentine going at in the corner, long ago they were bitter enemies. Taker throws out Butch. Taker grabs a facefull of Valentine. Tornado helps out and puts a sleeper on Taker. Meanwhile Valentine goes to the second rope and drops a heavy elbow on top of Takers head. First time Taker looked stunned. #14 British Bulldog Davyboy Smith charging in. Tornado and Tito ganging up on Taker. Martel has Jake hanging on the ropes and Tornado makes things easier for Jake. According to Monsson it's been 17 minutes for Martel and around 20 for Valentine. #15 is Smash. Halfway there. he goes after Davyboy who stops Smash short with a clothesline. Jake tries another ddt on Martel but he sneaks outside, then pulls Jake out of the ring to eliminate him. What a cheap ass. #16 is....Road Warrior Hawk, he clobbers everybody then everybody clobbers him lol! #17 Shane Douglas. Double elimination as Tornado misses a discus punch on Taker who sidesteps and dumps him and Hawk throws Snuka out by the hair, that will clear the ring a little, still plenty of guys out there. Hercules still there, that's a suprise. #18 is......nobody. You can see that Roadwarrior Animal was on his way out but somebody called him back. Taker choking down Hawk and Valentine looks whipped. #19 is Roadwarrior Animal and he helps Hawk clothesline out Taker and the place goes nuts!! No time to celebrate as Martel and Herc clothesline out Hawk in the same fashion. #20 is Crush and he helps Smash beat down Davyboy. Chico's got Rick the metrosexual Martel in trouble again but to no avail. #21 is Hacksaw Jim Duggan he beats up Smash then goes after Martel. #22 is Earthquake and Animal meets him head on. They have a staredown then trade blows with Animal getting the upper hand. He hits some stiff clotheslines but on the last attempt Quake dips the shoulder and eliminates Animal. #23 is Mr Perfect who gets his ass kicked by Duggan for a few moments until Duggan charges and goes out on another shoulder lift. Martel and Valentine reach the 40 minute mark. Tito blasts Perfect with a clothesline. #24 is HULK HOGAN!!!! Miami Arena goes nuts again and what's funny is just before the viewers see him come through the curtain some kid by the entrance way screams HULK HOGAN!!! Smash attacks Hogan first then falls victim to the three punch big boot of doom and Hogan gives him the heave ho. He's after Quake next. Quake turns it around and pummels Hulkster in the corner. Tito has Martel in trouble again and Davyboy and Perfect are fighting like there is only one more helping of blow. Yeah that was low sorry about that. #25 is Haku and while Valentine works over Martel on the ropes trying to kick him out. Hogan comes in from BEHIND AGAIN and dumps Valentine. Valentine lasted around 45 minutes. #26 is Jim The Anvil Neidhart. He works over a half dead Hercules. Tito uses up all his energy punching Quake who stops him short and pitches him out. Valentine and Tito were alternates but they made one hell of a showing. Everyone doing well this year. Martel in trouble again. Hogan, Haku and Perfect trade chops and #27 Bushwhacker Luke marches out walks in and Quake pitches him out the other side in a moment that grandparents will tell to their grandchildren years after the nuclear holocaust. Martels in trouble, what else is new? #28 is Nasty Boy Knobbs and he acts like he took pcp's beforehand and attacks everybody falling down in the process of trying to punch Perfect, everybody gangs up on him. Anvil has Knobbs in trouble. Hercules misses a wild swing on Knobbs and he goes out. Well over 30 minutes for a power wrestler which is impressive. #29 is Warlord. Crush trying a 10 punch on Hogan in the corner and Hogan dumps him onto the apron and he takes a hard spill looks like he wrenched his back on the way out. You can hear the ref ask how he is? Probably in a s***** mood after coming reasonablly close. Warlord gets clotheslined by Hogan and out. Now we find out who was #18. Was it Savage or Tugboat. #30 is Tugboat!! That means the Macho King was #18. Monsoon and Piper surmize he was run out by the Warrior. That was the story but it always bothered me how the bookers would waste Savage's spot in the Rumble and have him not come out. There were lots of people waiting to see him and that's a big ol double bird in the face to them. Knobbs dumps Shane Douglas who made another nice showing. Hogan attacks Tugboat then Tugger turns it around and almost dumps him. Hogan survives the attempt and Tugboat like an idiot changes targets giving Hogan the chance to dump him out. Davyboy knocks Perfect down in the corner and eliminates him with a dropkick and while the crowd cheers Perfect gets no acknowledgement from the announcers. Funny as Heenan throws his towel into the crowd some guy runs accross the screen trying to get it. Martel reverse an irish whip and eliminates Neidhart. This guys like a heat rash. Haku goes bye-bye on a blind charge on Davyboy. Martel attacks Davyboy and goes up top THROUGH the ropes and gets crotched for his efforts and clotheslined out by Bulldog. Crowd errupts. Davyboy saves Hogan from a double team beatdown of Knobbs and Quake. We are down to the final four. Doesn't stay that way as Quake and Knobbs chuck Davyboy then beat up Hogan. Tenta hits the Quake but while they celebrate Hogan hulks up and knocks both down with clotheslines. He hits Knobbs with a big boot that looks like he blasted the guy with a shotgun. NOW THAT'S HOW TO SELL!!! Hogan tries a slam and collapses. Big powerslam by Quake. Quake tries a pin and HOGAN hulks up again. NOW THAT'S ILLEGAL HE CAN'T DO THAT TWICE. Hogan with the three punch big boot body slam of horrendous death takes everything out of Earthquake and then Hogan finishes him with a Clothesline out of the ring at around 1:05:13. The winner of the 1991 Royal Rumble Hulk Hogan!!! Best Rumble up to this time and is probably one of the top five ever. I give it 4 1/2 stars. Near perfect but dammit if only Savage made it in. That's the only thing wrong with this one. Other than that a solid card top to bottom.
Overall? On a scale of 1.0 to 10.0 stars I give it a 7.2