Anita, Diana, and Nick?

I didnt get the joke about how all of Gus's siblings named their kids the same. I have Greek friends who are 4 sisters. Alexandra, Amy, Stephanie, and Victoria. I didn't get the joke about having your kids have the same name?

I'd love to have a good sig,but IMDb prevents it with a 100 character limit. I'll try anyway. You h


greeks use to name their children like their parents, so usually cousins have the same names.


I'm one of three cousins named 'Nick';



It's basically a naming custom. I used to date a Greek guy for a long time, and this is how he explained it to me: when a baby is born, if it is a boy he is named for the father's father and if a girl, for the father's mother. The couple's next child-if a boy, named for the mother's father, and if a girl, named for the mother's mother. LOL, I'm not sure what happens if there is more than two children. So if the parents have several siblings, there is bound to be several repetitions in names for the next generation! Italians do something similar.


when a baby is born, if it is a boy he is named for the father's father and if a girl, for the father's mother. The couple's next child-if a boy, named for the mother's father, and if a girl, named for the mother's mother. LOL, I'm not sure what happens if there is more than two children.

Subsequent children are named for the father's siblings and then the mother's siblings, in order.


EXACT same for traditional Italian Catholic families..They don't like "Americans" to marry into the family (NON Italians)

Drugs are for losers. End of discussion.


It was an exaggeration of Greek naming customs. Greeks tend to name their children after family members, and consequently cousins tend to have the same name. For example, I have 2 cousins named Irene on the same side of my family, both named after my grandmother. It happens a lot with Greek families. We have a ton of Georges, Michaels and Nicks too.



My Mom is named Mary Helen, and her Brother was John Peter. Her Cousins by her Aunt Mary are named John, Mary and Helen. Her Cousins by her Uncle John are named John, Mary, and Helen. Her Cousin Helen has three kids, named Mary, John, and Peter. My Grandfather was named Peter, and that is my middle name.

My Father was named Michael, and he had brothers named John, Peter and Andrew. His sisters are Helen and Mary. I do have cousins named John, Peter, Mary and Helen, but the next generation has gotten away from the "traditional" family names.

That scene where Toula's father introducing the family could have MY FAMILY.

Intellect and Romance Triumph Over Brute Force and Cynicism


My father's paternal grandparents had five children, all boys. Each of them have an Elias, George, Joseph and Edward, in that order. Five families, with the male children all named the same, including surnames. My dad was one of five boys. The extra boy is named Raymond. Don't have a clue where that name came BTW, MY grandfather was Joseph, as am I and two of my first cousins. Ever since I can remember, it's always been terribly confusing at family affairs. The adults didn't have much problem with it because they called each other by nick names. But as children, calling out "Uncle George" or "Uncle Joe", had a dozen people turning their collective heads to see who was calling them.


Basically up until the 90's the children were named after thier grandparents (father's side first and then mother's side) now, what alot of modern couples do is if the baby is a boy it is named after the fathers father, and if it is a girl, it is named after the mother's mother.

OR, the first child will be named after the male's parents (regardless of gender) and the 2nd child (even if it is the opposite gender of the first) will be named after the female's parents

OR if the husband is a pig (in today's standards) he will name his first son and daughter after his parents, and the wife gets whatever is left over.

I have one brother and sister ..... my sister and her husband agreed when they had thier child, that the boy would be named after his dad's father, and if it were a girl, then it would be after our mother (they had a boy) next they had a girl which would had been named after my mother, but because of complications, my sister made a promise to the Virgin Mary to name her daughter after the Virgin Mary if the baby and her survived (both survived well)

My brother's wife now pregnant....have decided that the first will be named after our side of the family regardless of gender, and she gets the second one (even if it is the opposite gender)

So basically that is how you get your several same names in the 90's and prior
