ok dudes and 100% Greek and im sick and tired of your critisisms on here. Its a god damn movie and it was written by a god damn person. It doesnt represent t entire population, it can friggin relate to every Greek family in different ways, it doesnt mean we all do the same exact things so stop acting like this movie was so bad. It was amazing-THE END

PS it was different, because all the movies we have out there are about crawling spiders, zombies taking over and some stupid chick flicks. Some movies with some culture dont hurt at all. And id love to see more, of many other cultures...K? BYE


Amen to all that!!!!!!!


I'm not Greek, but I believe it was highly exaggerated. Not everyone just automatically thought this was how all Greek families are. It was just to make the movie funny.

hey sexy ;-)



you could say that, if, it was true.


That was a very immature comment, rebel_tha_crazy_g0d.


RAPG6262, I am in the same boat as you, I couldn't agree more! I found so much in common with my family and the family in the movie, but not EVERY SINGLE ASPECT was straight out of my personal Greek experience..jeez.


I'm Greek, too. But I thought this was more a movie about families with strong ties to their ethnic backgrounds, not necessarily just Greeks. Connecting English with a family's native language; the home remedies that can cure/fix anything; and the preference for one's son/daughter to marry within the same ethnicity. These characteristics really apply to every family who strongly connects with their country of origin. Why else would this film be such a big hit if it merely reflected Greek families?


I'm not Greek but live in a UK town where an awful lot of the tourist business is run by Greeks and Greek Cypriots and having worked in a restaurant myself for around 8 years, I found it an exceptionally funny film. Obviously, the characters are caricatures of various Greek personality traits and sterotypes however I could see and awful lot of truth throughout the film. I thought the writing was fantastic and delicate and the story very heartwarming. I think it is good to see something different on celluloid for a change and at least expresses a notion of a different culture.


Haha! Change the names to Spanish/Mexican names and I have relatives who are Very much like some of the characters! Which made it that much funnier to me!

House: Climb out of your holes, people!


The parents in this movie are exactly like my grandparents from Lithuania, it was kinda creepy how similar they are.


I'm italian-american and we're a lot like this, too. I think it just resonates with people who grow up with one foot in their home country and one foot planted in america.


Yes. A good feel good movie. A rarity these days.

And yet if you put this title out there My Big Fat ___________ Wedding, you'd have a whole series of ethnic movies! That's the fun part of it, I was kind of comparing this saying, hm. What if they were Italian....?

Half the peoples comments are ridiculous, and they don't even know what the talk about.

Although, don't shoot me, but shouldn't it be God damned, not God damn? The whole point is saying it's damned by God, isn't it? Just sayin.

Swing away, Merrill....Merrill, swing away...
