King Richard!
When the King's Justice said De Guise was necessary when King Richard was on Campaign, a huge question mark appeared above my head.
I immediately thought of Richard the Linoheart, who died in 1199, and wondered to myself "What kind of hollywood moron set this film in 1380? De Guise can't be 200 years old... and Wasn't Edward III King around 1380?"
So, I did a little research, and discovered the following facts:
1.Yes, Richard the Lioneart died way before the film.
2. Richard II (Born 1367) took the throne in 1377, after Edward III died.
This is very interesting as far as the De Guise character is concerned for several reasons.
First, it gives De Guise only three years in which he must prove himself valuable while campaigning with king Richard, get rumors of boys dying to follow him, make four boys from his village completely disappear in one year, and then plan a rebellion against the King. Kind of a tight timeline, but not impossible.
Second, it means that while De Guise was campaingning with king Richard, Richard himself was only a boy, somewhere between 10-13 years old, depending on when De Guise campaigned with him.
This, of course, brings De Guise relationship with the king into question: Did De Guise violate the king? Did De Guise want to hurt the king, and instead hurt other boys? Is De Guise's treatment of the other boys a reflection of how he treats, or wants to treat the king?