
I was SO obvious that DeGuise was the evil guy since the beginning...isnt that right? I think its his might be associated evil people they way Igor and Boris are.

But on the film was DECENT, but other than that, nothing else.

- Q.E.D (quod erat demonstrandum)


Yeah, they went to great lengths to ensure thathe appeared to be totally creepy.

I had another post... Ah, here it is:

where I dissected his character into tiny little pieces on that subject.

Simon Damian's a little wicked too. Writing with his left hand was typically considered a sign of satanism, or at least homosexuality. Perhaps meant to throw us off. Of course, "Damian" is like greek for devil, or something.



I feel that the story may have been a simple murder mystery, but it's all about the actoing. I felt like I was in the middle of something. The actors were so amazing that I was just caught up in the dialgoue and the emotion. I loved how they would play a scene 2 or 3 times consecutively, it really focused on the emotions of the actors, which drives the plot. The whole religious power verses the power of money was fascinating. I loved the clash between DeGuise and Nicholas in the cathedral. The whole conversation was so, I just can't described. I was caught up, and so was my little baby! The acting was so good she just stared the the tv the whole time.



I was totally fooled. I thought that De Guise was in mourning for the woman who had been found guilty. Mabey I just wasn't paying good enough attention.



In Mourning? I never got that impression. Maybe I should watch it again to see if he seems like he's in morning...

OK, so I'll use most any excuse to see those scenes with the red head again...

But either way, maybe I should.



The Guise family was also an old French family who were known for being very, very Catholic, to the point of fanaticism and violence against Protestants. An interesting group of people, those Guises. >_>


The historical DeGuises were a powerful ruling family in France - Mary Queen of Scot's mother was a DeGuise.

As you say, they were Catholic, and they were above all else interested in power and politics. Just remember that religion was very much a matter of politics as well as personal belief in those days.

Despite the OP's surprise, there would have been mostly French names among the ruling classes of England at the time - this is after the Norman invasion after all.
