Fast forgotten

I watched this at the cinema when it came out. Big brave reviews came out, saying that this film was the best thing since the proverbial sliced bread, but to be honest, has it really worn well?

I never trust hype, and while I didn't feel it was a waste of ticket money at the time, it's not a film which has really stuck in my mind much, nor have I rushed back to watch it...

As for the film's greatest, I never ever hear of it these days, and I was reminded of it by looking at Tom Hanks' filmography.

I suspect most of the folk here will be rabid fans of the film, so I know what some of the reaction will be.

It's not "sci-fi", it's SF!


I just saw it for the first time and thought it was fantastic.


Almost ten years later and its still my favorite Hanks film. He was superb!


I'm not a rabid fan. I watched it for the first time with indifference and found it to be a decent flick. But to be honest, I've found it gets better and better with each viewing.


Yeah, I thought it was okay when I watched it (6 or 7 out of ten), but it never made much of an impression. I might watch it again sometime soon.

It's not "sci-fi", it's SF!


Re-reading my post, it doesn't sound like I like that much. What I meant to say is that I've grown to really love the movie with repeated viewings over the years. I even bought the DVD last month.


Perhaps you're right. Or maybe this is destined to be one of those 'lost treasures' or 'forgotten classics' that are always so much fun to find and talk about in movies and music.

Find a fan of either medium at a party or a bar and these sorts of examples always make a conversation fun.

Let's never come here again because it would never be as much fun.


My advice is watch it again and decide for yourself if it was worth remembering after eight years.

When you know that your time is close at hand maybe then you'll begin to understand - Iron Maiden


I think the OP read reviews for a different film, it had good reviews sure but not many really hailing it as a masterpiece.

The way I see it, its a film that shouldn't be great but the great acting (especially from Paul Newman) and the phenomenal cinematography carry the film and make it special. I'll always remember the film for that great shootout in the rain myself.

"Walk down the right back-alley in Sin City, and you can find anything...."


"I think the OP read reviews for a different film, it had good reviews sure but not many really hailing it as a masterpiece. "

It got rave reviews in the UK. People on TV kept on going on about how it was the best film since whenever it was...

It's not "sci-fi", it's SF!


72 on Metacritic hardly indicates "rave" reviews.


I've never read "Metacritic", I'm talking about reviews in the mass media, not by individuals, or whatever Metacritic is.

It's not "sci-fi", it's SF!


A quick Google would let you know what Metacritic is.

From Wikipedia: is a website that aggregates reviews of music albums, games, movies, TV shows, DVDs, and formerly, books.

Metacritic is the mass media, it's an average score based professional critics' reviews. The Metascore is listed at the top of the IMDB page for any major film, right beside the IMDB user score.

This film's average score was 72% which is good enough, but not exactly "the best thing since the proverbial sliced bread" or even high enough to be put in the site's "universal acclaim" category..


Metacritic was not around when this film was released, as far as I know.

I'm also not talking about reviews by American critics but ones in this country.

It's not "sci-fi", it's SF!


For me it's just the opposite. I consider it one of the best of the first decade post 2000.

Since it debuted 11 years ago I've come to appreciate a lot more in movies such as cinematography, scoring, and the composition of shots.

There is a lot to admire here. You have 5 masters involved: Hanks, Newman (actor), Newman (composer), Mendes (director), and Hall (cinematographer).

Think of the idiots you encounter daily, then realize they too have access to IMDB.
