Something missing
I'm not sure what, but something seems missing from this film. I think it's a little over-hyped (but not overrated), but i do like it a lot, because it is a great film. Something just doesn't click right with me, I felt like I was expecting more. Perhaps I've just been spoiled by having better expectations. I'm also not really into the mob scene either. I definitely think that Conrad Hall deserved the Oscar, but I think his death influenced the Academy. Had he not died they would have given it to someone else. Perhaps the problem I ask is my own. That being said, what is it about the film that you personally find it to be so astounding? Maybe it's about father and son relationships, and the consequences that our choices and lifestyles make. It is an amazing film, but I'm just no so attached to it as some people. So I would just like to know what particularly makes them fall in love with it.