This movie also pushes the message that if you are physically attracted to beautiful, gorgeous women, you’re shallow (even though there is not only nothing wrong with you having standards of what you find physical attractive, it’s biologically necessary). You need to give women who are not your type a chance, even if you find them unattractive. This is wrong, because if people follow this guide in dating the opposite sex, it won’t just be them who are miserable, but the other person involved as well because they don’t have someone who actually appreciates them. The message that you need to seek people who are beautiful on the inside has been twisted to a very toxic degree, as it totally ignores the reality that humans are wired to be physically attracted first in a relationship. That’s just the way it is.
It also pushes the message that ugly people = good people and you should totally date them and beautiful people = bad people and you should totally not date them. I hope I don’t have to explain what’s wrong with that.