Shallow Val

I've always thought there should've been a sequel called "Shallow Val", showing the shallowness of many females, who tend to be attracted to men who are rich, powerful, wear "stylish" clothes (translation--suit & tie), have fancy, expensive cars &/or are brutishly or fiercely confident, even when men have continuously been taught by the PC media & society that women will be irrevocably off limits to you unless you're adorably sweet & sensitive. What it seems to come down to most is that men tend to be attracted to what women look like (at least initially), whereas many (if not most) women judge men from the start, more than anything else, not by who they are or how they look, but by what they HAVE &, curiously, how many other women want them.


thats a really good idea
but i dont think it will ever happen, people would boycott it, it would be a lot of drama


Unfortunately, all too true. The rampant misandry in society would have to be addressed
(or at least more widely acknowledged) first. Thanks for the comment!


if this movie, shallow Hal was never made and they were thinking about making it now
it would never see the light of day. there is no way something like this (the same plot and everything) would ever be allowed to play lol.


Rich and powerful men will not be offended.

The story is king.
