MovieChat Forums > Shallow Hal (2001) Discussion > inner beauty is very important, but...

inner beauty is very important, but...

when looking for a relationship, i'll say 99% of the time people see the outer beauty first, then find the inner beauty later. Sexual attraction is almost a definite must, how many of you ever tried to get with an extremely obese person (or someone thats just plain fugly) thinking to yourself "man, oh man, i sure hope this person has some great inner beauty"

kinda like that cutaway scene from family guy when they are making fun of "Mask"
blind girl: "oh my, your face, whats the matter with you"
rock dennis: "but i have inner beauty"
blind girl: "yeah, i know, but seriously rocky, there are limits"


I think well-to-do, success oriented males are looking for a mate who is socially presentable, although they'll claim they're looking for someone who is intelligent, compatible, etc. But socially presentable is probably a must-have quality that they won't want to talk about.

The story is king.


We're all looking to be attracted to the people we're with, but if you've ever really noticed some of the couples out there, you'll see that in fact there is sometimes one of them who you look at and think they're not "all that." You might even think they're ugly. But their significant other doesn't think they are. I suppose it's possible that they started going out after the other person knew them better. But I'm willing to bet as soon as they met, their mate thought "Damn, they're hot." It was their own perception. Hal even brought it up with Mauricio with the Wonder Woman reference. Mauricio tried to say that others had to agree that a person was pretty in order for someone to actually be pretty. But Hal told him, "I don't care what other people see. When I'm with Rosemary, to me she's a knockout."

And speaking for me personally. I have certainly met guys that I thought right away were attractive. But then I get to know them and their personality takes away from their physical beauty. And then I've met guys that I thought of as "not my type," however after talking with them for awhile and getting to know them, they started to look a lot hotter over time until I thought they were the greatest thing since George Clooney as far as looks. So you see, there's a difference between being attracted to someone and choosing someone strictly because they're face has this arbitrary symmetry that most people call beauty. While some people do choose people just for that reason and feel that because they're aesthetically pleasing, that's all that matters, others are looking for the type of attraction that can't be explained just by the outside alone. I'm sure you've heard it, how someone will say that there's just this mysterious "something" about another person that really does it for them. That something is where all the talk of pheromones and sexiness and chemistry, etc. come into play.


WalkAwayRenee: " While some people do choose people just for that reason and feel that because they're aesthetically pleasing, that's all that matters, others are looking for the type of attraction that can't be explained just by the outside alone."

Regarding "...looking for the type of attraction that can't be explained just by the outside alone", I'd have to say that, according to my experience, whenever that is the case, the looking for something else is done "in addition to" "outside alone", rather than "instead of". Just look at the trophy wives that wealthy, prominent, famous men marry or date. Super-models are not uncommon, but how often is it a really physically unattractive, or even very ordinary woman--and usually not beyond her twenties, even if he's an old man.

I cannot recall a single exception to my above observation.
The story is king.


And that was exactly my point. SOME people are all about the arm candy. They don't give a rat's a** about their personality. And the only people who can truly date arm candy are as you mentioned, the wealthy, prominent and famous. The former only make up a certain percentage of the world's population. While there may be some average Joes and Janes who were blessed with the kind of looks that make them able to have their pick of the litter, the rest of us are just hoping to get into a decent relationship with someone we truly love. And that someone could be a Rosemary type, or for that matter a Jack Black type. Let's face it, it's not like Jack Black as Hal had any room for the kind of pickiness he displayed for so long, lol. But to be perfectly honest, I could see myself dating a guy like him. Because in the end, he knew how to have fun, he was silly and easy going and that was the kind of guy that Rosemary could see herself with. It wasn't like she was trying to go outside her league. She wanted to be in love, like the majority of us do, and she found it.

I may be out of line with this opinion, but I'm willing to bet that the majority of the people who date looking for trophies don't ever actually find "in love." They're sexually attracted, and maybe they like their partner well enough to be with them long term. But I bet it's not that giddy kind of in love that makes a romance truly worth it. I'll take in love over a trophy partner any day, assuming I could even date a "trophy" in the first place. And yes, maybe I'm a hopeless romantic. But if I'm with someone, he'll be my trophy, even if he looks like Flava Flav, gold teeth and all


"And the only people who can truly date arm candy are as you mentioned, the wealthy, prominent and famous. The former only make up a certain percentage of the world's population. While there may be some average Joes and Janes who were blessed with the kind of looks that make them able to have their pick of the litter, the rest of us are just hoping to get into a decent relationship with someone we truly love."

I couldn't disagree more with this. I will only address the male side of things and say this: the genetic looks you're born with and the body shape you have are only as limiting as you allow them to be. If you're charming, funny and confident then you'll still have your pick of attractive women. Those are also all attributes you can cultivate and learn if you really want to. Not saying it will be easy but it's also not predetermined at birth.


And speaking from the female side of things I'll say this:

1. There is a definite double standard in that "lesser attractive" men can still find a decent partner a lot of times while the same in a woman means she's fighting twice as hard to be accepted.

And, 2. No offense, but speaking not only for myself but for some of my friends and acquaintances, to believe that charming, funny and confident always automatically earns you a "you get what you give" pass in life is to believe in an ideal world where life is fair and those things do actually count more often than not. Yes, I realize you also mentioned that it wouldn't be easy, BUT while maybe not a predetermined part of life, some people still face quite a bit more rejection than acceptance from others. But, this also comes from a cynic who, if I had a dime for every guy that I liked who liked me in return, I'd be broke. I won't talk about who I am as a whole, but if I'm to believe secondhand talk, I'm supposedly a nice enough looking sort and also a decent person and I assume no one would have a reason to lie about that. But it still has not translated into love. And I've also seen plenty of people prettier than me suffer in the dating market. So I will also admit it isn't always the "unattractive" that have a hard time.

But I've jumped through a lot of flaming hoops to try to be what supposedly attracts guys every time and came out of the whole thing more discouraged and jaded than when I went in. It ain't how I want to live my life. I am what I am and I'm finally coming to peace with the idea that partnership just may not be in the cards for me. I witness it pretty often. It's not just the beautiful, witty, intelligent, charming or even overly confident that manage to hit the love lottery. Some ugly, humorless, dimwitted and self-esteem lacking still do alright for themselves. So there's no way I'm going to believe that there is anything that terribly undesirable about me in comparison that it keeps me on the sidelines. Personal experience has brought me to the conclusion that the bottom line is that maybe that stuff is more about luck (or fate, take your pick of the favorite word)than anything we do or are. Some people find it and some people don't. And the people who don't fall into all sorts of different categories of looks and overall "desirability," which may include things like financial status and personality. It's just one of those things where you turn up your hands and say, "What the fu*k are you gonna do?"


Success oriented men want socially presentable women because they can get them, as simple as that. Other types of men go with less presentable women because they can't do any better in most of the cases. Harsh but true.


It ain't the's the bootie.

Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?


And that is why there are so many failed marriages because people look at the package and not what is inside the package and when those two don't match there becomes problems.


I'm not so sure of your implied statistical generalization. You seem to be saying that most failed marriages are ones where one or the other, or both, chose a mate on the basis of good looks.

I'm not sure that there are enough good looking people out there for that to be the average cause of marriage failure.

In fact, someone could just as easily generalize that most, or at least, very many marriages fail because one or the other partner become less attractive after marriage, maybe from gaining weight or just getting older and losing that youthful sparkle.

The story is king.



The movie takes a nice concept and takes it to the extreme. In actuality everyone would prefer to be with someone they found physically attractive but that isn't the only thing, you have to like the person themselves and their heart and personality. You have to have things in common.

The movie kind of goes to the extreme and in actuality is false by going so far as to imply that ONLY the inner heart and personality count and that physical attractiveness should not matter at ALL.

They imply a relationship should be 100% inner beauty and 0% looks.

In reality it is probably more like 50% inner beauty and 50% looks.


Maybe that just proves how shallow people are.


It may be showing that people, and other species, are instinctively choosing mates based on suitability for procreating healthy, happy offspring.

The story is king.[royal]


So in others you pick out someone like a they were a piece of meat at the super market.


Having a baby with someone = buying meat?

Answer: No. The comparison does not make sense. Choosing a piece of meat does not affect someone's whole life and being, and many of that person's descendants, as well.

The story is king.


Partially true.

The thing is, 'inner beauty' (whatever that means, actually - that you look skinny, though you are really fat? What? Shouldn't it be something like 'kindness', instead?) is not important for attraction, mating, sex, hugging, kissing, passion, or even romance.

It's only important when it comes to long-term-relationships, and even then you'll probably notice that women mostly don't have it - no matter if they are ugly or pretty on the outside.

It's almost opposite to this movie's message anyway - when women are young, fertile, bubbly and happy, they are more pleasant and joyful to be around. But when they hit the wall, lose their beauty, radiance and become just another wrinkly-faced tub of lard-aunt with a bulldog-face in the crowd, they become vicious, spiteful, resentful, hateful and completely impossible to be with.

I wouldn't even say there is any 'inner beauty', because it's too vague a concept (and this movie says that 'inner beauty' looks a lot like 'outer beauty' anyway), and is not clearly defined. It's basically what ugly people say.

There's beauty - and there's kindness. An ugly man can be kind, and beautiful woman can be nasty. But I wouldn't say that the man has 'inner beauty' or that the woman has 'inner ugliness'. That's just muddying the waters.

Let's call beauty just beauty, and then use appropriate words for the other qualities (that have nothing to do with any visuals), and keep things simple and clear - instead of gimmicky and confusing.

So, there is no inner beauty, so it can't be important.

Kindness, empathy, sympathy, caring, friendliness, respect and warmth towards others are important, especially in long-term-relationships, and not only intimate ones, but other kinds as well. But let's not call it 'beauty' - let's leave THAT word for the VISUAL things - which is what the word is supposed to refer to anyway (otherwise it wouldn't need a qualification word preceding it).


Do you date women without talking to them first? I dated an obese girl I met at a party for a couple years on and off. We started talking and got along great, that's really all that is important to me, besides hygiene, and she was on top of that and worked at an STD clinic.


I don't want to read too much into the movie but all the girls that were attractive in the movie were ugly on the inside, as if no good looking girls were nice people lol. To me looks are important but not the most important, I still feel I need to feel attracted to them and able to have an active sex life with them. There has to be feelings involved and at the same time a physical attraction IMO.

Y'know, I could eat a peach for hours
