MovieChat Forums > Shallow Hal (2001) Discussion > I really enjoy this movie, but...

I really enjoy this movie, but...

Is it just me or is Mauricio a COMPLETE A**HOLE?!?!?!?!?!

I honestly can't decide if his character is a total jerkface or if it's my own personal bias against Jason Alexander at work here.

I like the movie, I think it's funny & heartfelt, but Mauricio just irritates the crap out of me every time he's onscreen & I really want to punch him for the mean things he says to/about all the "not-pretty" people.

Driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cakehole


He has a Costanza vibe in this film, especially with his pickiness about women(The Toe) which many people find obnoxious. I know people who couldn't watch Seinfeld because they hated George. I personally love him as George and everything else Jason has done, but to each his/her own.


everything you said was exactly meant to be like that, he was meant to be a really really mean guy.
Which comes from being bullied for having a tail and also for being told by society to go for the hot women.

But yeah you are mind of meant to hate him, that was the point


The fact you hate Mauricio is a testament to Alexander's talent as an actor
