The most unbelievable part of this movie...
... is showing that guys like Hal and Mauricio could ever hook up with all those beautiful women. Seriously, they are both, short, fat and ugly (and not filthy rich either). Mauricio especially is like the ugliest guy in the world! His hair looks like road kill, and he has a tail! And yet Hal and Mauricio are the ones who are picky? Guys who look like that should be grateful if a women even looks in their direction.
I just find it completely unbelievable that pretty girls would go for these two clowns the way they show it in the movies. I think it would have made more sense if they cast good looking actors in the part of Hal and Mauricio. That would explain girls swooning over them. And that how it is in real life. The "pretty boys and girls" are the ones who are shallow and judge everyone based on their looks. And Hal and Mauricio are nowhere near being pretty!
Mr McGee, don't make me angry. You wouldn't like me when I'm angry!