MovieChat Forums > Shallow Hal (2001) Discussion > ONE SCENE IS CONFUSING...


Alright, so hal and rosie are going mountain biking with the 'four-limbs' guy and the nurse from the hospital, and when we first see them, it makes sense, hal is hal, rosie is 'thin', the nurse is crazy looking like a witch (that's the way the movie is portraying her) and the four limbs guy is also how the movie is portraying him. So why the hell, when it's just the two girls in the car, does the witch nurse suddenly become pretty. I dont get it, is that how she really was all this time? Does hal, thus the viewers too, see her ugly because she's a mean person in the inside? Though, idk, if that's the case, its kinda dumb because we didnt need to see her as someone ugly to show shes mean. And why was she pretty in only ONE scene lol wth.

IDK, i have some thoughts on this that i dont really wanna dwell on too much lol,

and i would like to see what the majority of you think of this.


I think the spell was to see people as they really are on the inside.

The story is king.


After Hal gets the curse we see people from his point of view. The only time we don't is when we are seeing them from his friend or someone else's point of view. If you notice we only see Rosie as big when when someone else sees her. Just like the kids at the hospital. We saw them as flawless but when the curse is gone he sees the burns on the little girls face. We see them how they really are on the inside. The witch was a gold digger. She was using the "four limbs" guy. That's why we saw her the way we did. But when we see her as pretty it's because we are seeing her from Rosie's point of view. What I don't understand is why he doesn't see everyone else as flawless. Like his boss and the "four limbs" guy. Must be because he already knows what they really look like.


hmm ur right, we were seeing her from Rosie's pov.

and ur right about the other thing too.


"Like his boss and the "four limbs" guy. Must be because he already knows what they really look like."


Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?


Tony Robbins spell clearly stated "when you are meeting someone for the first time..."

The sun is shining... but the ice is slippery.


Old post but I took it as the nurse was just a gold digger talking about how it's perfect timing that Walt just sold his business so they have time to travel and go shopping. Hal sees her as an old hag while everyone else sees beauty.


You seriously don't understand this? Really??


Don't be a douche, I thought this was a little unclear too.

"What you don't like rice? Tell me Michael, how can a billion Chinese people be wrong?"
