I'm sorry, robken, but you're essentially shallow. I'd like to know what your sampling pool was for your statistic of "100%"? Where are you getting your incorrect facts from in general? Society has been brainwashed to like a particular aesthetic. That's a fact. Sure, the wording might sound dramatic but it is what is.
If we're talking about instincts as in "primal instincts," you're way off. If we take a look throughout history the standards of beauty has varied. Thicker women were once highly sought after while the thin women, men worship today wouldn't be looked at favorably. As the latest comment said, thickness was a sign of wealth and overall health. It was difficult for people to be thicker. In some countries today, people actually add lard to their food because it's not calorie dense enough. If we also examine things further, different cultures also have wildly varying standards of beauty. Breast, for an example, don't have a sexual stigma to them. On the subject of breast, breast that are pushed up and pushed together is an unnatural appearance. Body hair on a female once wasn't offensive either. Our society's airbrushed look would look alien to some. So, if we're talking about "instinct" the teen would likely choose the larger woman. She would look overall healthier. To the teen, the vague "unbelievably gorgeous woman" would look alien-like and strange. The reasons being for all the unnatural body modifications, waxed stripped raw, thin (which if he were on an island living off the land size would not be an aesthetic it would be life or death,) and also for her bright "face paintings."
Our culture isn't only unnatural in the fact we live in a concrete jungle but also in the way we dress our bodies.
It's really funny that you mentioned you're not influenced by the media, society and Hollywood when you clearly are. We all are. You didn't pop out of the womb wanting these things. You can see the comparison within other cultures that didn't grow up around the media. That's the thing about brainwashing, you wouldn't know it's happening. The human brain is HIGHLY malleable. It can be molded without our knowledge or consent. It's not that people don't like to hear the truth, quite the contrary. The problem is people don't want to hear it when its not necessary.
The take away, leave people alone and let them be happy with themselves. People don't want to constantly hear what they're very much aware of. It's not a "I can't handle the truth!" thing. It's a "Are you that arrogant that I need YOU to tell me who I am and how I should feel about who I am???" thing. You don't need to constantly let them know in the cruelest manner possible, nor do they need to be the constant brunt of jokes. And, no, it's not wrong for them to demand that they aren't anymore.
Something interesting to note, you claim that "it's okay to insult a guy's looks apparently" in a way that you're displeased with that fact but within the next paragraph you're saying "people hate hearing the truth" Which is it? It's only okay to tell people the truth on how they appear when society (one you claim doesn't influence you) says it's okay? Obviously you hate to hear the truth yourself.
(As an additional note: I wouldn't use this movie as a basis for a deeper message. For a movie about not being shallow, it was really shallow. All the jokes were stereotypical "fat jokes." The whole bit about Rosemary taking the majority of the cake. Larger people don't necessarily eat more, some just eat terribly over time. There's also other outside factors such as health conditions. The fact that the majority of Americans are overweight is a great example of how we as humans are a product of our environment.)