Issues with this movie
Just saw this the other night for the first time in years, and a few things jumped out at me and irritated me.
1. It makes all obese people out to be social pariahs who never date and basically have no friends. I've never been a big girl, but I have known plenty of obese women in my life who had/have active social lives and often romantic/sex lives too. And not with so-called "chubby chasers" - 2 of my heavy female friends have told me they avoid such men like the plague because they are "fetishists". Another friend of mine who had been obese since childhood met and married a great guy (who was also thin and nice looking) and had two kids with him. Hell, look at that show "My 600lb life" - half of the women on that show have kids and/or significant others. One of my brothers was also obese for a time (though he ended up losing a crapload of weight) and he never had a problem getting a date. So the idea that Rosemary, who while quite large, is well dressed and well groomed throughout most of the film, in addition to having a sweet disposition, just couldn't get a date because of her size, is bunk. Fat people date too.
2. (this may have been discussed before; I didn't read through all the threads on here) The idea that all fat/ugly people have hearts of gold, yet the majority of good looking/beautiful people out there have ugly hearts and souls is just stupid. I know fat people who are total a-holes, and I also know plenty of good-looking people who would give you the shirts off their backs. It's a shtty generalization to make, even for the sake of making a point.
The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those that speak it.