We need a new TNG movie!
I'm sorry, but this mess of a film is NOT any kind of way to end the TNG legacy. I know they have another movie in them.
shareI'm sorry, but this mess of a film is NOT any kind of way to end the TNG legacy. I know they have another movie in them.
shareI'd even settle for a TV movie or direct to DVD release.
shareI would pay through the nose to see a new TNG movie or a direct to dvd film.
The question is, would they do it?
Patrick Stewart would command mega money and I think it's unlikely he would even do it. But I think if he said yes then all the other cast would. But Brent Spiner is the problem....he wouldn't want to play Data again because of the age.
He could easily play Data again and they could just say Data's memeory was uploaded successfully into B-4. Who cares if he has wrinkles. I can ignore it!
Can't they use some aging CGI technology like on Benjamin Button to help out?
Then again that would probably cost a lot...but still....one can dream.
Infact just have a movie involving the TNG, DS9 and Voyager crew, have the Borg and Dominion and and....ahhhhh oh well.
The TNG crew certainly had another movie in them, possibly even two I think. Nemesis was basically a rip off of Wrath of Khan and The Udiscovered Country.
A direct to DVD movie seems the most likely IF they ever did that. Failing that, a Youtube type movie like that big one that came out last year that had the TOS era stars. Problem is, if it doesnt have a cinema budget, dont expect to see those anti aging effects being put to work on Brent Spinner, coz they couldnt afford it.
Anyway age and bad eating habits have really distorted the way the cast looks today. They are all fat and icky looking... apart from Patrick Stewart who has always looked like he was 70 and Michael Dorn who has virtually not changed in 20 years.. which is a little weird.
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Definately - perhaps Frakes should band together the guys and get a Titan DVD release? Stewart may be difficult to get on board but a Titan DVD might work at least they can verbally confirm the post Nemesis situation.
shareThe new movie should forget forget B4 and Nemesis altogether and maybe pickup right after Insurrection. I don't care if they look older. I don't care if Brent appears aged. Maybe they can say appearing a little older is an effect of leaving that fountain of youth planet so quickly. Anything to right the amazing wrong of Nemesis would be worth it.
They won't be making a new TNG movie; the potential for a good TNG movie has come and gone and I think for the most part interest in seeing a TNG movie for most fans has gone too. I remember when Generations came out how excited people were for a TNG movie, now after seeing the last 4 duds those same people could care less. For me Nemesis signaled the entire end of the spin-offs, from TNG to Enterprise. Let's face it, they blew the franchise. Thankfully though we have new Star Trek movies to get excited about that seem to be going in the right direction (although I hope the next installment focuses more on a good sci-fi story than the characters themselves now that they've been re-established).
shareI'd be shocked if they don't recast TNG and do a variation of Yesterday's Enterprise with the new TOS crew.
Bristol Palin is only a "star" in Bizzaro Worldshare
I'd love 2 c the Enterprise E in another mission. They could kill off picard if patrick didn't want 2 come back. The only guys left would b worf and laforge, ya never know what could've been. Movies can never capture the true essence of ST because it's just a few episodes, unlike a tv series. I'm sick of the extreme violence and darkness of the tng movies, the enterprise A movies had a much more positive tone. Overall, time is not on our side.....
sharesorry, but the problem here is that they don't really have another movie in them, they didn't even have another movie in them when they made this. They are all too old (except maybe Stewart, who would be a holdout in any case) and the fan base just isn't there. I agree with you it sucks that it ended this way, but the only way I could see the series continuing is if they took it back to television with a new crew (Enterprise F?) and set it 20 years later. Maybe "Admiral" Riker could have a guest spot? But the fact is is that even that's not gonna happen. A reboot was the only solution and it was done well IMHO.
I think TNG will have to end the way the X-Files did.... with a sad whimper... and that sucks :(
"you're paid to think Mr. Scientist. National Security is our business"
I'd like to see another entry in TNG, but preferably back to television again. I know that will never happen, but I think TNG was so good in their TV years. The whole thing faltered when they made the leap to the big screen. I would be very interested in seeing a movie about Captain Riker and the U.S.S. Titan, but we all know that this won't happen any more than a Captain Sulu/Excelsior series ever happened. Personally, I think that was a huge missed opportunity.
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Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?
that would be great, but with the new film/alternate time line it'll never happen, though Frakes comes back to Trek so often I'm sure he'd be keen for it.
was rwestern, now am not
My prediction would be…
A third and final “Abrams Trek” film will appear around 2017 (which probably won’t involve Abrams at all as he’ll be busy with Star Wars Episode 7 or 8) and the “Alternate Reality” movies will end as a trilogy with a below- par final part (see Spider- Man 3, etc.).
Paramount will then bring Trek back to TV around the turn of the next decade- picking up one of the many concepts out there (hopefully one of the better ones because there are some truly awful- sounding ones hanging about too) from established / successful writers that grew up with TNG and DS9 and want to do something more back in that vein (taking the franchise forward, rather than backwards like Enterprise did).
Then, if this new series is a success, a belated, final TNG film giving that crew a better send- off could maybe be made halfway through at the peak of it’s (the new show) popularity - as a kind of loose prequel to the new series (like Star Trek VI was to TNG) before the successful new series moves onto movies itself.
The biggest issues would be Stewart (about 80 by then) and Spiner (too old to play an ageless character who is dead anyway). But if Stewart was used in a sort of “Extended Cameo” throughout the film (like Leonard Nimoy was in Trek XI) without any demanding location or action work and if Spiner just contributed his voice (like Linda Hamilton did in Terminator 4) for Data’s old logs or something it could work.
Just a few thoughts and ideas.
Never going to happen any way. The old universe is gone. There will be no adventures of the Enterprise-E to J or any future versions of the Enterprise that is related to the old universe.
If they got an idea for a show, then this would be a show that is based on the Abrams universe, where the starships looks a lot different, are bigger and more powerfull than ever.
You have to think outside the box and not make it a show that appeals to Trekkies or Trekkers. It has to be space sci-fi that appeals to every fan of sci-fi.
I found Trek XI entertaining enough (although it was pretty much a Star Wars film in the ST universe) and I know what you mean but I think (and certainly hope) that 80's / 90's Trek (or at least TNG and DS9) could become just as revered as TOS over the next few years. For filmmakers of my generation, TNG was the "Definitive" Trek we grew up with, not TOS so I think it is at least a possibility.