Great battles, and yet...

Great battles, and yet
This film just leaves me unmoved
Can't explain failure

I grow more tired
Minute by minute. I hope
It won't last too long



Remake Warth of Khan.
No Ricardo Montalban?
No William Shatner?

"Oh no...they sent the wrong Spock!"


It was a lot of sound and fury signifying pretty much nothing, other than Riker finally got his own ship.


It's a shame, because I think it starts out pretty well, and the longer it goes it just gets less, and less interesting.



I don't think it's that good, but I think it's pretty far from the worst "Star Trek" film of the entire canon. I think it's got enough redeeming ideas and a few stand out scenes in it for me to focus as much hate on it as many other people do. (Many people actually do proclaim it the worst of the worst of the film Again, while not that good I do think it's the 2nd best of the TNG films (after "First Contact" naturally) and better than either "The Motion Picture" or "The Final Frontier". (That may sound just like faint praise but hey, it's better for a film to be this than said to be the worst of a series) I can get it when people say they don't like it, but I don't think it deserves to be the ones that is the most dogged on and singled out like it seems to have become.


The whole film feels tired. It is like it has gone into "recycle mode" - another copy of Data, what happened to Lore; a peace treaty with the Romulans, what like the Klingons wanting peace in ST:6; a ship that can fire whilst cloaked, again see ST:6; and another Khan clone.

The space battles in this feel tired as well. In TWoK you had that whole submarine/warship feel to the battle between the Reliant and Enterprise. In ST:6 it was the cloak and dagger effect of the cloaked Klingon ship and the ingenious way of adapting the photon torpedo to go look for it.

About the only original thin in this film is the dune buggy ride.
