What a wonderful movie

From the moment I saw Data singing Blue Skies I knew the movie was only going to get better, and I wasn't wrong.

This was a beautiful way to end Star Trek TNG before jj lense-flaibrams hit us with his 2 weapons grade atrocities.

Wish Star Wars could have ended with as much grace and great acting, action and respect to the core atmosphere as Nemesis did.

Will never understand the low rating, bravo to the director and script writer. This low rating only shows why we can't have good movies anymore, it's because idiots go to the cinemas and they'd rather praise *beep* like Dark Knight Rises, Transformers, Inception and gagnam style.

What a *beep* idiotic generation, we deserves to be wiped from the Earth.


I actually thought the film was pretty good. Rewatching it for the first time in almost a decade, I was impressed by the writing and performances, especially Patrick Stewart and Brent Spiner. It did feel like a TNG episode to me.

However, I know this could've been a better film, and I'm hoping Paramount, one day, could let Frakes make an extended cut with the supposed 40 minutes of deleted scenes.


Thank you, I thought I was the only one who thought this was great. It's my favorite of the next gen films. and I would also so love an uncut version.


i love star trek tng, even when they were going on tv to the most low crap propaganda against the iraqis, making them kidnap and torture picard who cried like a crappy little girl, even then i tried to forgive and remember the good old days of fighting against the soviets! but this film is weak and lame. yes nolans movies are pieces of crap and the republican transformers are not good, but gangam style is very stylish! you are a very old thing you may consider death.


While Nemesis isn't a bad movie, the die had already been cast. Nemesis pretty much proved that general audiences had moved on from Star Trek, and only the most die hard fans were still interested.

To be fair, after seeing the Abrams films, I'm convinced that the franchise really belongs on TV and not in the theaters. A movie every 3 years forces them to try and do something really big, which doesn't necessarily fit the formula for Star Trek. The Voyage Home was one of the most successful Trek films and it was a pretty low key film.

"Live long and suck it, Zachary Quinto!"
