Picard/Shinzon's final scene, influenced by Excalibur? (SPOILERS)
Apologies if this subject has been debated before, but I've noticed that the final scene between Shinzon and Picard is awfully reminiscent of the final confrontation between Arthur and Mordred in Excalibur:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1p49F-qcstw (about the 1 minute mark on)
Not exactly identical, but a lot of similarities. A son, knowing nothing but hatred for his father (Shinzon was a clone, but the Picard-Shinzon dynamics always felt more like a father-son relation than a clone, especially given Shinzon's youth). One of the two men is mortally impaled, and struggles to the last to reach the other and deliver a killing blow in return (with Nigel Terry being more successful than Tom Hardy, obviously).
Interesting also, that Patrick Stewart had a part in Excalibur (I believe he was a warlord and Guinivere's father?).