Nemesis NEEDS a director's cut so badly, restoring all the cut scenes and character moments that were lost. I think if that were to happen, this film would get a more positive revaluation. I know there would be some cost involved to add in the effects that were never completed for those scenes, but come on, Paramount. I think this film would serve better as the TNG finale if it felt like the characters got their due.
I agree. It could potentially get the same kind of re-evaluation films like Daredevil and Kingdom of Heaven got. (Granted we wouldn't no for sure unless it were released)
Considering that it was the director who essentially butchered the movie, it would make MORE sense to ask for a Producer's Cut, rather than a Director's one...
Just out of curiosity, what do you blame the director for?
He was unfamiliar with Star Trek, but scifi movies (Trek included) have a long history of non-fan directors coming in and doing a perfectly good job.
It's not that Nemesis is a bad Star Trek movie, really, so much as a bad movie. And most of that bad, IMO, comes from the script. All the Shinzon nonsense, Data's bungled death scene, it's bad on the page, not just the screen. And since the acting and cinematography are decent, I can't really blame the director so much as the writer of the movie.
Just out of curiosity, what do you blame the director for?
I can only speak from what I've heard and read from the cast. However, my understanding was that he had next to ZERO familiarity with the franchise, only got the job as a repayment from Paramount for work he did editing other films, and cut a bunch of "character moment" scenes that frustrated the other cast members.
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Ahh, thanks for replying. I forgot about cutting the character moments scenes. I still think most of the problems are with the script, but I can see how that'd frustrate people (especially since this is the last TNG property, every scene counts).
It's funny, while I don't really have much trouble with his actual directing, I thought the editing was pretty bad. Especially the scene of Data's death. It's so rapid-fire jumbled that the whole plan comes off somewhat ludicrous. You'd think a professional editor would be able to better influence a picture and keep things like that from happening, but apparently not.
I was surprised and disappointed that when Nemesis first came out on dvd it was just the theatrical version with all those great deleted scenes on disc 2.They even cut stuff that was in the theatrical trailer.A director's cut I thought was certain for the blu ray but sadly not.The film came out 13 years ago so it's unlikely now.Stuart Baird was a film editor not really a director and he often clashed with actors because of his ignorance of Star Trek the actors and their characters.He just didn't care.Frakes should have directed.Baird in an interview refers to a cut scene and says I like it but they cut it so I think Rick Berman is to blame as he says I don't think we cut anything that should not have been cut.I love all the scenes they cut they were character moments where as the powers that be just wanted an action film.Sad.We can only hope!
Exactly my thought on the matter. Nemesis could've been one of the best Trek movies. Hiring on Baird who knew nothing about Trek didn't help our situation any.
Other directors that had no experience with trek such as nicholas meyers did their research and wrath of khan came into being. However. Stuart Baird refused point blank to watch any previous episodes or films and even publicly said that he doesn't like trek at all. He only took this job to get back into the directors chair. He should stick to what he's good at, editing. It's his and paramounts fault for releasing the movie the same time as bigger franchises such as harry Potter, Lord of the rings and James bond.
If we were going to get extended versions, it would have been during the special edition DVD releases. That's what gave us Star Trek The Motion Picture Director's Edition, plus Meyer's slightly tweaked Trek II and Trek VI. Nemesis isn't popular and Paramount will never spend the money to do anything more to it, just like they won't let Shatner go back and work some more on Trek V.
- - - - - - - Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?
I think a few of the Trek films should get director's cuts: The Final Frontier, Insurrection, and Nemesis. Frontier was hamstrung by budget cuts which made the ending very anti-climactic. Insurrection could use one tweak -- restoring the villain's original death scene. Nemesis is a mess, it's true, but I think a longer movie with more in-depth character work is something the TNG crew deserves for their final screen adventure.
Hopefully some of the money that the Nu-Trek films earned can be put to use on a new boxed set of the movies (for the 50th anniversary. perhaps?). At the very least, the next release of these films should include mountains of deleted footage from all of the films. The Motion Picture DVD includes loads of footage. Why nothing on Insurrection? Why so little on Nemesis?
There will never be an extended version of Nemesis. The best you will get are the deleted scenes on the DVD.
The FX was not all done on the deleted cuts. Paramount will not go back and do them. A lot of the deleted scenes were cut for a good reason, they were not very good.
The best director's cut of Nemesis would be to cut the whole film from history and redo a fitting end for the TNG crew, a happy ending like TOS got in Star trek VI. But that is currently not possible.
Yes. I don't think the story of the film can be fixed. But it could still be a fitting send off and resolution for the characters, which to me is more important anyhow.