Capt'n Janeways cameo..+ .....
Just a few 'nitpicks' on this movie
1) On the DVD, Stuart Bairds directors commentary (Very 'Richard Dawkins'..) goes very quiet when Kate Mulgrew has her cameo as Janeway. Not a word is said. Why? Did they not get on/ Anybody else would have said SOMETHING, it was a noteworthy scene for star trek fans..
2)From the wedding scene, its amusing that lift music still exists in the 24th century
3)Hardy's hair is visible and its obvious he's just had a closely shaven haircut. He has a full head of hair in '5'o clock shadow form. They should have used make up.
Question: Baird also goes quiet during a scene I didnt understand; when data helps Picard on the Scimitar by pretending to be B4. When was that explained/set up in the narrative?