9/11 Memories
This movie came out I am fairly certain just a few weeks after 9/11. So many of us were getting repulsed by the nonstop playing of that grotesque snuff footage from the Twin Towers and all the hullaballoo about how America was the greatest country on earth and those towelheads just can't do that to (allegedly) "free" people, and all the bullshit bromides coming out of the bush White House. By the time this movie was released, everyone needed a comedy to cheer themselves up. I saw this opening weekend to a packed audience and it remains one of the best examples of how audience participation can really bring out extraordinary things in a lackluster movie. It was one of the most exhilarating cinematic moments I've ever had. Unfortunately, the film really isn't very good nor is it that funny, as I discovered a few years later when I caught it on cable. But at that moment after the bush family staged their own version of the Rheichstag fire, it was what people needed to lift their spirits at a dark and dangerous time when despicable and bestial individuals were in positions of authority. Too bad it's remained that way for the past nineteen fucking years. When will the supposedly "free" Americans finally wake up and DESTROY all their parasitic oligarchs--of BOTH political parties??