Vicky's antics

Did Vicky's antics strike an unfriendly chord with any of you? For me, I found her infuriating and the quintessential example of behaviors I hate.

The way she came to this party her ex was hosting, after she dumped him because she didn't believe in a long distant relationship, was cold. Then, she brought guy to the party and tried to dig in the "just friends" aspect with her ex and seemed to encourage him to become friends with her date- a person nobody else knew. Then, she emasculated her ex by trying to do the "best guy friend" thing by making a photo album and sharing her date's antics.

It may be from my life experiences that has built up my perspective, but I cut ties with exes and don't give them opportunities to behave this way because it is specifically this kind of behavior that drives me up the wall. It seems very antagonistic, even if that is not the intention. I honesty don't blame Kevin for being suspicious of her after he passed out drunk in the fourth movie.



