Vicky - got - hot!

I personally think she looked better in the first one.
Being stick-skinny doesn't do anything for her.

"The dead do not suffer the living to pass"
"You will suffer me"


I really didn't see any difference in Vicky from AP1 to AP2 except that her hair was dyed more platina blonde and her eyes looked more glassy and stark blue.
I prefer her in the first one because she looked much more natural and pretty.
And to some idiot's comment on this thread (EDGE84): she was NOT fat in the first one. WTF???


I thought she looked great in both of them, but I did think she was prettiest in AP1, I agree she was more natural pretty in that one. And there was something about Jessica that I liked also...might have been a her attitude.


yeah, anyway, she was always hot? i was like ???? when he said that


I came to this board to see if there would be a thread regarding this quote and there it is right at the top of the page!

It's an ordinary high school day. Except that it's not.


Always saw this as a weird comment from Jim, as Vicky appears almost exactly the same in the first film. She didn’t get hot, she already was hot.
