wow rotten tomatoes?

5%????I thought the trailers looked funny, wasn't gonna watch it till DVD though, now I don't even know, we'll see how word of mouth is...


I thought it was the unfunniest trailer I've ever seen. God, Affleck sux. Stick to romantic chick flicks like Pearl Harbor, but don't try to be funny when you aren't.

"I said put your fingers up my ass, are you deaf?" - Last Tango in Paris


I checked RottenTomatoes and still went to see the flick. It was better than i expected it to be. Affleck was annoying as hell and i wanted to kill his characeter. But it was a pretty decent flick. Dont know why it got such dreadful reviews though. It wasnt bad. The Grudge was waaaay worse. Wow... what a turd.



Nice to know you can't think for yourself and have to listen to others, giving their opinions on movies they probably haven't seen, and box office numbers after ONE DAY?

Sorry, but it is apples to oranges. A movie like Surviving Christmas is not TRYING to score the huge opening weekend numbers like a horror movie. It is working to maintain decent numbers from now until New Years.


Surviving Christmas will be GONE from theatres in four weeks. It's THAT BAD... And I did go see it and my review is posted on this site.


Just four weeks? Seems like it'll be gone in two.

"If it takes more than 20 minutes to write a song, then you've just basically jerked off."


Is it just me, or is this script a Dickie Roberts rewrite?


Yes...But Affleck's character was SUPPOSED to be obnoxious.


I was going to see The Grudge the night after it opened, but it was sold out, so I went to see Surviving Christmas instead. After seeing it, I had wished I had seen The Grudge instead, but I still thought the movie was okay. It wasn't as good as I had hoped, but it was okay. I really like Ben Affleck, though. And I finally saw The Grudge tonight, and I liked it. I think it was *better* than Surviving Christmas.


dont judge a movie by its trailer. the movie was actually pretty good, i really liked it. dont diss the movie cause you hate Affleck. and he shouldnt stick to chick flicks, hes a gifted comedian and was funn as hell in this.

"There's nothing more exhilarating than pointing out the shortcomings of others, is there?"


I personally don't like Ben Affleck but still went to see the film. I was debating with my friends which movie to see between this movie and "Friday Night Light." We ended up seeing "Surviving Christmas." My friends and I all enjoyed this flick very much. It wasn't bad and actually was pretty good 7/10 for me.


Critics honestly need to get over themselves. Their opinions are about as valid as a UFO sighting on the National Enquirer. If we all listened to the critics (and thank God we didn't), we'd all be going to see garbage like Open Water.

I have seen Surviving Christmas, and I found it to be a very funny movie. Critics honestly need to grow up. The Ben Affleck-hating fad is yesterday's news. I mean, you're not still listening to the Spice Girls, are ya? The fad is over. You don't have to hate Ben Affleck movies to fit in anymore.


Well, you have to admit critics have saved us from several dreadful films before. They are like the warning flare for bad films, when you know it is potentially a rotten one, then you can choose between going and not going. Honestly, if someone reads a bad review, then goes to the God-awful film, and finishes by complaining it is truly their own fault. People should not listen to everything critics say, much like politicians, but should at the same time give attention to their warnings. Critics are there for general guidance, not for decision making. It's up to one's personal strength and abilities to reason, not to some random bitter old man, to make decisions. If a person is weak and listens to whatever they're told, then maybe they deserve to sit through a bad film. And if a person is too headstrong and won't listen to warnings, then they have earned the same fate as well.

"You can pick your nose, and you can pick your friends, but you can't pick your friend's nose!"



<<Or anywhere else in this country -- except maybe on the coasts, where there are still a few thinking people.>>

This comment is not indicative of a "deep thinker" so I'm going to assume that it is either not to be taken seriously or you were caught in a weak moment. And while I totally agree with your point, I do not agree with your assumption.

Categorizing people according to the movies they enjoy is completely shallow at best. Think of the theatre as a giant garage sale. One man's junk is another man's treasure. Or is that analogy a little too "Peoria"?

I go to movies to be entertained. I do enough deep thinking in my day to day life that sometimes it is enjoyable to sit back with an oversized popcorn and laugh at stupid things on the big screen. I happen to appreciate theatres with decent cup holders. I'm from Iowa. Does that make me a simpleton?

I enjoyed Eternal Sunshine, but I didn't walk away feeling very entertained. Just because I didn't LOVE the movie doesn't mean I didn't get the point of the movie or value its merits. I just prefer to seek depth in my relationships, not my movie choices.

People are always spouting off on this board about these people being pretentious and those people being idiots. Are you kidding me?? Because of the movies they enjoy??

Truth be told, I would wager that some of the "idiots" are reading books without pictures and actually enjoying it and the "thinkers" are watching The Wedding Planner and shedding a few tears.

I am not intending that you should bear the brunt of my spewing. For the most part, it's directed at the board in general. But, you seem like an intelligent enough person to handle it with some perspective. If not, accept my apologies. I'm sure you're a lovely person.


Quote: "As a former film reviewer, I can tell you that 9 out 10 films aren't worth the film they are recorded on."

Frankly, if you hate so many films so much then why were you a reviewer? This is exactly part of the problem with critics. Many of today's critics seem to be of the opinion that they are here to rescue us, the paying public, somehow, from wasting our lives watching terrible films. The trouble is, this is a complete conceit, in actuality most critics tell us only A: how they personally felt about the film which is close to pointless precisely BECAUSE it is their own very personal view and B: what their publication or internet site or whatever's agenda dictates, what they think their readership will agree with. This is why in the UK for instance you can predict with quite a good degree of accuracy whether The Sun will like a movie and also what The Guardian will think of it, because they're horribly biased. The reason the IMDB is so great is that none of us is getting paid for our opinions or, hopefully, has to pander to the opinions of others. If a film were really to be judged fairly then all we would be supplied with in the media would be a brief plot synopsis in order to help us decide if a film were "our sort of thing". Paid critics spend the majority of their time stroking their own egos and trying to find a way to sound more important, intelligent, or funny than their subject, and yes, many do not even watch the films they pretend to be so informed about. Ctomvelu, your post proves this perfectly.

You said Surviving Christmas "sounds like a real stinker", well, you wouldn't know would you, you speak with absolutely no authority as you haven't seen it, at least if you had seen it then you could honestly appraise it. Also, saying that it is an attempt to cash in on other Christmas movies??? What do you think all Christmas movies are, what do you think most movies do. Anyone with a modicum of financial sense would not greenlight a movie that had no precedent. The making of movies all over the world is largely governed by trends, this applies to the Hollywood system particularly but it really also applies to any other financially successful movie industry. It has been said many times, Hollywood exec.s do not like to take chances, they look for something that has proven successful, modify it just enough to be acceptable as a new product and then sell it to the public again. The art is in how individuals have circumvented and exceeded this system to produce something different. Your post is full of generalisations and suppositions "I suspect it did poorly at the box office", "satire has never played well", and I'm supposed to trust reviewers like you, only see the movies that you have vetted for me, the problem comes when Hollywood studios listen to people like you and deduce that they must make movies that EVERYONE will love, believe it or not, that isn't the way they used to make money, not before the age of the blockbuster movie, but now, they're continually damned by the very same people that corral them into producing derivative, universally recognized trash.

Your overall pretension and lack of knowledge is belayed in your assertion that Eternal Sunshine... is an art film for the thinking man. First off it is made by Focus who are an arm of Universal, this is basically the strategy, a Hollywood studio creates another production arm under a different name and uses it to market films to the independent and art film market. The film actually happens to be very good in my opinion but lets face it, it's still produced, marketed and sold to us with a very lucrative target audience in mind. These films are not made to simply satisfy artistic longings, they are financial endeavours which, if made by the right people, can also be artful. It, also has its precedents, is not all THAT original but is enough of a new spin to make it enjoyable for us. The only reason movies like Surviving Christmas are fairly universally trashed by critics is because that is what the media believe people want to read at the moment, that is what they believe the "art cinema" bunch and cinephiles want to hear to stroke their egos. If you see the movie and hate it fine, if you see it and like it, fine. Just don't waste your time putting someone else's view up on a pedestal and worshipping it. I love movies and if you really do too then you should be spending less time sh*ting on ninety per cent of them, after all, if your attitude to them is anything like your attitude to Surviving Christmas then you haven't even seen them!


Hating Ben Affleck is not a fad. It is not yesterday's news. It is completely irrelevant if anyone is still listening to the Spice Girls. And you need to practice what you preach because, you are a critic.

My personal hatred for Affleck has nothing to do with his lack of talent. Everyting to do with his personality, lack of integrity, and self-importance. Plus, the fact that he and Damon have owned the rights to Howard Zinn's "The People's History of the United States" for over 5 years and have yet to make a documentary they promised, only adds fuel to the hate.

He is a bad actor that has benefitted from knowing the right people and cashing in on opportunity, nothing wrong with this at all, it just does not mean I have to like the guy.



Ben Affleck is a really cool guy. If you've ever listened to any of the Kevin Smith commentaries, you'd realize that he's not arrogant or any kind of a big shot Hollywood guy. He's very funny and a great dramatic actor, and just because he plays arrogant characters in movies like Armageddon and Pearl Harbor, that doesn't mean he's like that in real life. See Chasing Amy, and quit making fun of Ben Affleck. It IS a fad, and it all started with Bennifer and Gigli, and some people still haven't gotten over it.



Sorry if you misunderstood, I was talking to IamWilliamBlake. unless thats also you. By the way, Matt Damon was in Chasing Amy for like 12 seconds.


Also, I found the Clerks X commentary hilarious, especially the part about Mosier seeing Kevin's mom naked when he was sleeping over at night.



Hating Ben Affleck IS a fad. A fad that is getting tiresome. A fad that started when he got with Jennifer Lopez. A fad that was strengthened by the release and subsequent failure of Gigli. It's a fad. Plain and simple.

Yes, in technical terms, I AM a critic. Just not that kind of critic. Not the kind of critic who can't think for himself. Not the kind of critic who wants to be cool by hating good movies and loving movies that try way too hard to be artsy.

Ben Affleck is a pretty damn good actor who just happened to get with the wrong chick at the wrong time. The fad is over. It's dead. Just like the Spice Girls. And relevance is unnecessary when making an analogy. Thank you.


I agree! hating Ben is BORING!!! I actually liked Surviving Christmas. When I went, the audience was laughing their ASSES OFF!


I agree! hating Ben is BORING!!! I actually liked Surviving Christmas. When I went, the audience was laughing their ASSES OFF!


What I love is how everyone thought this would be so great and wonderful.

