MovieChat Forums > Surviving Christmas (2004) Discussion > This one definitely makes the list..

This one definitely makes the list..

as one of the worst movies I have ever seen. If this had been Ben Affleck's first movie, it could have easily been his last. His "acting" is so over the top it's embarassing. I also agree that it seemed like every scene was shot with one take, no matter how bad it turned out. James Gandolfini looked and acted like he had ended up in this piece of dreck by mistake. Catherine O'Hara made this Christmas flick feel like Home Alone as seen through the eyes of Fellini. (The photo session scenes were hard to stomach...) If not for Christina Applegate, it would have been impossible to keep looking at the screen. They should give medals for surviving "Surviving Christmas"!


Absolutely. I haven't seen this movie, but it is considered one of the biggest flops in cinema history. It grossed less than a million dollars and came out on DVD 2 months after its theatrical release. Just pathetic.


Less than a millon dollars? Check your sources. This movie made about 12 millon dollars. It flopped, but not THAT bad a flop.

It did come out in December on DVD, only a mere two months after it was in theatres. I guess they didn't want to have to wait an entire year for the next Christmas to release it. They just wanted to get over it.

Bad idea, having a Christmas movie in October.

The movie wasn't THAT bad, but some of it was just painful to watch.

** out of ****


You're absolutely right, it made just under $12 million in theaters. I trusted my idiot friend, and he's an idiot, but he's usually right about movie stuff.


You haven't seen it, so how can you judge how good or bad it was?

I read all the horrible reviews, too, and I happened to catch it last night, and it was nowhere near as horrible as they all said. It was ok, kinda cute, nice ending, a happy Christmas movie.


I never judged how good or bad it was, what I said was:
"it's considered one of the biggest flops in cinematic history."

I didn't say anything about my personal opinion, since I didn't see it.

Next time make sure you read my post before you comment on them


OMG this movie is bad. Affleck's acting was horrid, he was the worst actor in the movie. The script was awful and inconsistent. The character that Ben played was all over the place. For instance, one second he was hating on Applegate's character, a few scenes later he was asking her to have fun with them and the next scene he is making out with her. Absolutely AWFUL, no wonder it was a freaking flop.
